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Bonnie Stender Class of 2012 Hannah Trible Class of 2009 Dorothe Bach & Marva Barnett Teaching Resource Center THE LEARNING PORTFOLIO: Promoting Intentional.

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Presentation on theme: "Bonnie Stender Class of 2012 Hannah Trible Class of 2009 Dorothe Bach & Marva Barnett Teaching Resource Center THE LEARNING PORTFOLIO: Promoting Intentional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonnie Stender Class of 2012 Hannah Trible Class of 2009 Dorothe Bach & Marva Barnett Teaching Resource Center THE LEARNING PORTFOLIO: Promoting Intentional Learning

2 “Portfolios provide a detailed mosaic of student learning as it develops....” Black (1993). Portfolio Assessment, 146 What are Learning Portfolios?

3 Why Learning Portfolios? Insight, Howard J DuncanHoward J Duncan

4 0 Learning How to Learn Caring Application Integration Human Dimension Foundational Knowledge Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating Significant Learning Experiences, 107.


6 Reflective assignments: pre-course questionnaire self-assessment instruments reading journals one-minute papers online discussions... Integrating the Learning Portfolio

7 Students’ perspectives? Bonnie Stender Hannah Trible From Shamih (...Shamih (...

8 Assignments Writing samples by churlchurl

9 Assessment Portraits of the Mind by Weissman, et. al.Weissman, et. al

10 Scope: curriculum or course portfolio? Focus: assessment or self-reflection? Evidence: comprehensive or selective? Medium: paper or electronic? Things to consider:

11 Inspirations Tagg, J. (2003). The Learning Paradigm College. Jossey- Bass. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House. Zubizarreta, J. (2009). The Learning Portfolio. Jossey-Bass.

12 Questions? Please email us:

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