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Promotion on Teaching Only Route Jill Morrison Dean for Learning and Teaching, MVLS.

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1 Promotion on Teaching Only Route Jill Morrison Dean for Learning and Teaching, MVLS

2 Current Promotion Criteria for Teaching, Learning and Scholarship Grades 7, 8, 9 Research and Scholarship »Output »Award Generation »Supervision Knowledge Exchange and Impact Teaching and Learning Leadership and Management Esteem Indicators

3 Comments Criteria strikingly similar between R+T and T. Challenges »Scholarship (pedagogic versus discipline) »External funding »PGR supervision »Knowledge transfer – business, commerce and industry

4 Lee Schulman To distinguish the scholarship of teaching from scholarly teaching: The work must be made public The work must be available for peer review and critique according to accepted standards The work must be able to be reproduced and built upon by other scholars

5 Recognising Teacher and Teaching Excellence at the University of Glasgow: Project Initial Short Report July 2014 “This group recommends that the VP Learning & Teaching establishes a short ‐ life Working Group to revisit promotions criteria relating to teaching in both the T&S and the R&T tracks with a remit to undertake the following:” “Review and renew explicit criteria for promotions/ R&R pathways, ensuring College relevant, achievable criteria for excellence in teaching within a research ‐ intensive environment are expressed and supported” “to provide guidance for promotions committees considering these applications”. Prof Vince Bissell (Prof Jill Morrison) to represent MVLS.

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