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Doing the Texas Two-Step. Or Three-Step or Four-Step or….

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Presentation on theme: "Doing the Texas Two-Step. Or Three-Step or Four-Step or…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doing the Texas Two-Step

2 Or Three-Step or Four-Step or….

3 New Script and Texas Families Texas Priorities 1.Develop and support preservice personnel preparation curriculum standards 2. Increase the emphasis in preservice preparation on services in NE 3. Increase interdisciplinary training and practicum experiences in NE

4 New Script Goals for Texas Families Texas New Scripts is More than the Sum of Its Parts n Seven Regional NS Cluster Sites –Individual Characteristics –Common Goals

5 New Script Goals for Texas Families n Statewide Goals: Timeline Priorities 1Construct a map of Cluster Sites and ECI Program Sites 2NS “Continuation” at Annual ECI Conference 3Standardization related to Early Childhood credentials {experiences at IHE and communities} 4Cluster-to-Cluster Communication (human, list serve, etc} 5$ for Internship support

6 New Script Goals for Texas Families Other n Statewide Goals: Other –Training { CMI; FCC; varying levels} –$ and other to families to assist in trainings –Explore the role of “Cultural Mediator” –CEU’s for all disciplines in trainings

7 New Script Goals for Texas Families Other n Statewide Goals: Other –Distance learning more fully utilized –Cross-reference ECI Library to NS Resource –  collaboration of all EC providers –ICC-sanctioned specialty recognition for early childhood focus at pre- and in-service levels

8 New Script Goals for Texas Families n The Valley To infuse –family involvement –campus-community collaboration –interdisciplinary practices in teaching and practical experiences at 3 local campuses

9 New Script Goals for Texas Families n The Metroplex To improve the pre-service preparation & skills of Texas Social Workers entering the ECI workforce

10 New Script Goals for Texas Families n The “Wild West” {San Antonio} –Infuse principles of FCC into preservice preparation of allied health care curriculum –Create Community-Parent Partnerships –Strengthen ECI program partnerships in student preparation

11 New Script Goals for Texas Families n North Texas –Establish a Regional Consortium of IHE to support completion of ECI competencies of FCC for students across multiple disciplines –To include 2-yr. institutions, 4-yr. institutions, and collaboration with ECI programs in the region

12 New Script Goals for Texas Families n South Plains { Amarillo, Lubbock, etc } –Incorporate ECI competencies and Family- Focused Intervention into Pre-service Curricula –Utilize resources of other Cluster Sites via long-distance technology –Develop opportunities for including families and faculty in training activities

13 New Script Goals for Texas Families n South Plains { Amarillo, Lubbock, etc } –Increase and enhance the interdisciplinary, family-focused practice experience in the NE Practica for all disciplines with ECI programs in the region Consistency among regional colleges and universities

14 New Script Goals for Texas Families n Austin –Refine curricula linking competencies necessary for ECI, NAEYC, DEC, HS recognition of EI specialty competencies linkage of internships and practica experiences –Explore & Build links for training with HS web-based learning satellite course work

15 New Script Goals for Texas Families n Austin –Develop resources and support systems for students Pursue Administrative “buy-in” Pursue grant writing for student learning opportunities Development of information brochures for potential students

16 New Script Goals for Texas Families n Houston/Galveston –Increase awareness level of faculty and experienced personnel re: ECI, FCC –Disseminate resources such as NS Resource Guide –Identify specific families as partners in co-teaching

17 New Script and Texas Families Texas Priorities 1.Develop and support preservice personnel preparation curriculum standards MetroplexThe Valley AustinNorth Texas South PlainsThe “Wild West” Houston/Galveston

18 New Script and Texas Families Texas Priorities 2. Increase the emphasis in preservice preparation on services in NE North TexasAustin South PlainsThe “Wild West” Houston/Galveston

19 New Script and Texas Families Texas Priorities 3. Increase interdisciplinary training and practicum experiences in NE MetroplexThe Valley AustinNorth Texas South Plains

20 That’s All, Y’all { for now! }

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