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The Cardiovascular System

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1 The Cardiovascular System
By: Alexis Jimenez and Bricia Zuniga Period 5

2 The Human Heart

3 What is the function of the Cardiovascular System?
Transportation of nutrients, oxygen and hormones to cells throughout the body and the removal of metabolic wastes

4 Introduction A normal heart has… 4 chambers: 2 upper, called atriums
2 lower, called ventricles 4 valves: Mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonary The septum separates the right and left sides of the heart

5 Introduction, cont. Coverings of the heart The Pericardium
The Parietal Pericardium Fibrous Layer Serous Layer The Visceral Pericardium Also called Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium

6 Introduction, cont. 3 Different Types of Blood Vessels Arteries:
3 Layers Deliver blood to capillaries Capillaries: Thin and fragile Veins: Receive blood from capillaries

7 Blood Path 10. Mitral Valve Superior Vena Cava 11. Left Ventricle
9. Left Atrium 2. Inferior Vena Cava 12. Aortic Valve 8. Pulmonary Veins 3. Right Atrium 4. Tricuspid Valve 7. Pulmonary Artery 5. Right Ventricle 6. Pulmonary Valve

8 Blood Path, cont.

9 Blood Pressure Filtration Glomerular Filtration What is the Glomerular
Filtration Rate? (GFR) What affects the GFR? Hydrostatic pressure Oncotic pressure

10 Blood Pressure, cont. Systole vs. Diastole Systolic: occurs near
beginning of cardiac cycle Diastolic: occurs near end of cardiac cycle How do they function together? Both numbers provide the blood pressure Ex: 110 over 17 (written 110/17) 110 is systolic, 17 diastolic

11 Blood Pressure, cont. Pressure vs. Distance pressure- distance
Distance- how far blood circulates throughout the body Plasma and proteins Blood volume Blood pressure homeostasis *What the heck is pressure vs. distance?

12 Blood Pressure, cont. Cardiac output: the measure of
the amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart in 1 minute 1 factor of how a person’s blood pressure is determined *Need visual

13 Heartbeat and Sounds How are sounds generated?
Noises are generated by the beating heart and the resultant flow of blood through it How is sound created? Produced by the closing of the AV valves and semilunar valves 2 sounds: S1 S2 *include average healthy heartbeat?? - 60 to 70 per minute I think

14 Heartbeat and Sounds, cont.

15 Conduction Tissues: Endocardium Myocardium Epicardium Cells:
Epithelial cells

16 Conduction, cont. The bundle of His: muscle fibers that conduct the
electrical impulses that regulate heartbeat Atrioventricular bundle Bundle branches: connected to bundle of His and lead to lower ventricles Purkinje fibers: conduct impulses through the heart Located in beneath the tissues that line serous cavity

17 Conduction, cont. Action Potential Non-pacemaker Action Potentials
“fast response” Rapid depolarization Found throughout the heart except for the pacemaker cells Pacemaker Cells "slow response" Slower rate of depolarization Found in the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes of the heart

18 Conduction, cont. SA Node: known as the heart’s “pacemaker”
Fires at regular intervals causing the heart to beat Sinoatrial node AV Node: The electrical “relay station” between atria and ventricles Atrioventricular node

19 Conduction, cont. Regulation SA Nod AV Nod Autonomic Nervous System
sympathetic nervous system: speeds up heart parasympathetic nervous system: slows down

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