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Consciousness Chapter 7 notes. Does consciousness exist? Watson and James say NO Is it something that can be observed by others How do we know it exists?

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Presentation on theme: "Consciousness Chapter 7 notes. Does consciousness exist? Watson and James say NO Is it something that can be observed by others How do we know it exists?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consciousness Chapter 7 notes

2 Does consciousness exist? Watson and James say NO Is it something that can be observed by others How do we know it exists? Consciousness is a construct A concept used to talk about something that can not be seen

3 Are there other constructs that we accept? Emotion Intelligence The results of constructs are often seen in behavior Think of the wind blowing and something moves

4 Consciousness Generally it means awareness Different types of awareness Sensory awareness Inner awareness Sense of self

5 Consciousness And different levels Preconscious Unconscious Non conscious

6 Different types of awareness Sensory awareness Aware of things outside In the environment using your senses Sight, smell, touch, taste, sound

7 Different types of awareness Inner awareness Thoughts emotions memory Nothing is smelled seen heard or touched But you know it happened

8 Different types of awareness Sense of self Your existence Or death sense

9 Levels of Consciousness Preconscious level You can recall things in your preconscious What did you eat last night? You can move this information into consciousness by directing you inner awareness or attention

10 Levels of Consciousness Unconscious level or sub Info is unavailable most of the time Comes to the surface in dreams, hypnosis, or therapy Ex going to a party Full of suppressed memories

11 Levels of Consciousness Nonconscious Basic body function Growing fingernails Heart beat

12 Altered states of consciousness Sleep Meditations, biofeedback, and hypnosis Alcohol and drugs (legal and illegal)

13 Sleep and Dreams 1/3 of life is spent asleep Circadian rhythms Biological clock Changes in temperature, blood pressure, sleepiness, wakefulness-24-25 hr cycle

14 Sleep and Dreams Stages of sleep 1-4 & REM Defined by brain waves EEG

15 Sleep and Dreams Stage 1 Lightest sleep Waves slow from alpha to theta-have dream like images 30-40 min

16 Sleep and Dreams Stage 2 similar to stage 1 Brain waves slow a little more

17 Sleep and Dreams Stage 3-4 Brain waves move from theta to delta the slowest Stage 4 is the deepest sleep Jumps back through 3-2-1 quickly

18 Sleep and Dreams REM sleep Eyes move rapidly Irregularly breathing Raised blood pressure and heart beat Brain waves are similar to stage 1

19 Sleep and Dreams The whole process lasts 90 min Cycles 5 times on avg Last cycle of REM sleep may last 30 mins or more

20 Sleep and Dreams Why do we sleep 1964 Randy Gardner-17 tried 11 days Slurred speech-could not focus memory problems

21 Sleep and Dreams Recovery sleep Gardner slept an extra 6.5 hr for the 1 st 3 days after the experiment 4 night extra 2.5 More REM sleep in cycle Can you catch up on sleep?

22 Sleep and Dreams Deprived of just REM sleep Learn more slowly REM Sleep in infants helps brain development Exercise for the Brain

23 Sleep and Dreams Dreams happen mostly in REM sleep In black and white or color Can be realistic REM sleep most clear/plot

24 Sleep and Dreams 2 views on what dreams are Freudian Biopsychological

25 Sleep and Dreams Freudian Supressed feelings and desires symbolic

26 Sleep and Dreams Biopsychological Neurons fire that control vision & movement randomly The thinking part of the brain tries to make sense of random

27 Sleep problems Insomnia Nightmares/terrors Sleep walking Sleep apnea Narcolepsy

28 Sleep problems Insomnia in=not + somnus=sleep Latin Have racing minds worry Related to stress Do not force it or take sleeping pills

29 Sleep problems Insomnia help Tense muscles Avoid stress try not to worry Regular routine Positive images

30 Sleep problems Nightmares Avg 2 per month During REM Causes-upsetting events

31 Sleep problems Night terrors More severe Racing heart, gasp for air, talk and thrash about Occur during stages 3-4 Young children Immature nervous system

32 Sleep problems Sleep walking Children You can wake them up Most children outgrow it Immature nervous system

33 Sleep problems Sleep Apnea Breathing interruptions Air passage is blocked Snoring SIDS in infants Breathing machine

34 Sleep problems Narcolepsy Rare problem Drop into REM sleep Medication/therapy Frequent naps No known cause-genetic??

35 Drugs and Consciousness Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens Treatment

36 Drugs and Consciousness Addiction Physical Psychological How do you know if you are addicted? Are all drugs addictive?

37 Drugs and Consciousness Depressants Slow down nervous system General feeling of relaxation Alcohol Narcotics

38 Depressants Alcohol Small amounts may not give the relaxation feeling Intoxication Toxic=poison Alcohol poisoning Impaired speech, vision, memory, judgment, motor skills

39 Depressants Can not focus on consequences Excuse for behavior People choose to drink and are responsible for their actions Drinking and driving


41 Depressants Narcotic Narke in Greek=numbness What is a narcotic? How do you think it makes you feel? Examples

42 Depressants Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, Oxycotin, Valume, Zanax,- pain relievers and anti-anxiety RX- Heroin was used to cure Morphine addiction civil war

43 Depressants Impair judgment, memory, loss of consciousness, coma, death Strong physical addiction Tremors, chills, cramps, insomnia, vomiting diarrhea

44 Drugs and Consciousness Stimulants Speed up the Nervous system Examples

45 Drugs and Consciousness Nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, XTC,

46 Stimulants Nicotine Spurs the release of adrenaline Feel alert and attentive Does not improve preformance

47 Stimulants Smoking health risks Cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems 400,000 smoking deaths per year May be as difficult to quit as heoin

48 Stimulants Amphetamines Keeping people awake Meth, speed, uppers Developed due to war Pill-inject-snort May last for days

49 Stimulants Can hallucinate Suffer from delusions

50 Stimulants Cocaine What are it’s offspring Coca plant Reduces hunger, deadens pain, produces pleasure feelings Freud found it useful

51 Stimulants Speeds up the heart Overdoses Death

52 Hallucinogens Are addictive Relaxation, panic examples

53 Hallucinogens-Marijuana Impairs perception and coordination Memory and learning Leads to paranoia Anxiety and confusion Time-awareness

54 Hallucinogens-Marijuana Withdrawals Addictive Psychological-coping

55 Hallucinogens-LSD Acid Strong hallucinations Do not recall when it wears off Suicide-injury Flash backs

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