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The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue By: Geoffrey Chaucer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue By: Geoffrey Chaucer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue By: Geoffrey Chaucer

2 Good/Neutral Corrupt/Bad Knight Squire Yeoman Oxford Cleric Franklin Guildsmen Skipper Wife of Bath Parson Plowman Reeve Nun Monk Friar Sergeant at the Law Cook Doctor Miller Manciple Summoner Pardoner

3 Good/Neutral CHARACTERDETAILS Details to note How he/she looks How he/she dresses How he/she speaks What he/she thinks Reaction of others

4 Good/Neutral Example CHARACTERDETAILS Knight (lines 43-80)distinguished followed chivalry, truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy wise and modest never boorish A true, perfect gentle-knight Details to note How he/she looks How he/she dresses How he/she speaks What he/she thinks Reaction of others

5 Corrupt/Bad CHARACTERIDEALSATIRE Ideal – qualities and traits the character should have, based on social status, gender, religion, and/or occupation. Satire – how the characters do not meet the ideal expectations; weaknesses or flaws that are pointed out that hinder the characters

6 Corrupt/Bad Example CHARACTERIDEALSATIRE Pardoner (lines 689-766) humble honest religious shows off his golden hair lies to priests and congregations has fake religious relics Ideal – qualities and traits the character should have, based on social status, gender, religion, and/or occupation. Satire – how the characters do not meet the ideal expectations; weaknesses or flaws that are pointed out that hinder the characters

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