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VIGILANT: S MART P HONE N AVIGATION FOR V ISUALLY I MPAIRED PEDESTRIANS Name:Affiliation: Anani AfanouECE4007 L02 Arpan Ghosh Daniel NewsomeDate: Ken OrjiMarch.

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Presentation on theme: "VIGILANT: S MART P HONE N AVIGATION FOR V ISUALLY I MPAIRED PEDESTRIANS Name:Affiliation: Anani AfanouECE4007 L02 Arpan Ghosh Daniel NewsomeDate: Ken OrjiMarch."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIGILANT: S MART P HONE N AVIGATION FOR V ISUALLY I MPAIRED PEDESTRIANS Name:Affiliation: Anani AfanouECE4007 L02 Arpan Ghosh Daniel NewsomeDate: Ken OrjiMarch 9, 2009

2 O VERVIEW What? Pedestrian “turn-by-turn” navigation using a Google G1 mobile phone Who/Why? Current navigation solutions for the visually impaired are cumbersome Cost? Software package and subscription for $49.99/yr.

3 T ECHNICAL G OALS Receive differential GPS corrections Remove noise using Kalman Filtering Provide turn by turn navigational instructions Dynamically updated Pinpoint navigation destination Within 1 meter accuracy Supply user-friendly interface Audio-based


5 D ESIGN A PPROACH DGPS Base Station Accepts connections and transmits corrections values over LAWN G1 Smart Phone Connects to DGPS server and receives corrections (WLAN) Send corrections to receiver and gets back corrected user position (Bluetooth) GPS Receiver (with user) Calculates user’s position from satellite(s) Applies DGPS corrections to calculated position

6 S MART P HONE I NTERFACE G1 Smart Phone (UI) Scrollable list of bldgs. @ Tech Google Maps - directions in real time. Current user location to bldg. selected in list Audio feedback of directions and list selections Kalman filtering removes noise.

7 DGPS Corrections <= DGPS Corr. => User Position Calculating Correction of Satellite Calculating User Position from Satellite Kalman Filter User Position from Receiver User Position with Noise Removed

8 D EMO D ESCRIPTION Place: Gatech Campus Option1: Blindfolded team member navigates with VIGILANT. Option2: Visually impaired volunteer navigates with VIGILANT

9 P OTENTIAL P ROBLEM ( S ) Problem: Some devices might not be Bluetooth compatible. Resolution: Use hard wire instead (serial port).

10 M ILESTONES Bluetooth/wireless connection of G1 to DGPS system Map interface on the G1 completed. Kalman filter code for Android completed. User Interface Text to speech/audio UI First complete application testing Finish all testing Ready for demo

11 B UDGET /C OST A NALYSIS Main cost is labor $10,500: Four engineers design/build the product for 300 hours at $35/hr. Other costs: T-Mobile G1 phone: priced at $179.99 with contract, $399.99 without a contract. (Not included in total cost) Marketing: VIGILANT product can be sold, as software package, for a fee of $49.99 Cheaper than the $1,649 price of competitors like the Sendero GPS System.

12 C URRENT S TATUS Received the HTC G1 phone from Google. Confirmed that DGPS base station is up and running. The team is currently: Working with DGPS base station to test GPS Receiver. Researching a way to implement Kalman filtering accurately on Matlab. Working on code to seamlessly implement text to speech together with Google Maps on the G1 phone

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