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At The Crossroads Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. London, Ontario June 4, 5, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "At The Crossroads Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. London, Ontario June 4, 5, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 At The Crossroads Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. London, Ontario June 4, 5, 2015

2 These Lectures are dedicated to…. Julie Callahan and the 61 st Anniversary of our First Date together


4 Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. 214 649 7390 PMB 280 381 Casa Linda Plaza Dallas, Texas 75218

5 The Author Kennon L. Callahan, B. A., M. Div., S. T. M., Ph.D. — researcher, professor, and pastor — is today ’ s most sought-after church consultant and speaker. Author of many books, he is best known for his groundbreaking Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, which has formed the basis for the widely acclaimed Mission Growth Movement, which is helping congregations across the planet.

6 Copyright 2015 © Living in Grace Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. All Rights Reserved. The author grants special permission to the Ministers and Key Leaders participating in this Conference on June 4, 5 2015 Living in Grace to use these power point slides and charts in their specific congregations.

7 No permission is granted to distribute these slides beyond the persons who have participated in this seminar nor is any permission granted to slightly modify this resource and then send it out as though it is one ’ s own work. The resource is for your use in your setting with proper notation as to the author. Thus, in your own congregation, please use as is and include this statement: “ Copyright 2015 © by Dr. Kennon L. Callahan, Ph. D. Living in Grace All rights reserved ”

8 purchase with Living in Hope, in 2015 Living in Peace Living in Grace Twelve Keys to an Effective Church:2nEd The Twelve Keys Leaders ’ Guide The Twelve Keys Bible Study The Future That Has Come Small, Strong Congregations A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations Preaching Grace Twelve Keys for Living

9 Visiting in an Age of Mission Effective Church Finances Dynamic Worship Giving and Stewardship Effective Church Leadership Building for Effective Mission Twelve Keys to an Effective Church Twelve Keys: The Planning Workbook Twelve Keys: The Leaders ’ Guide Twelve Keys: The Study Guide

10 Living in G race Strengths for This Time Motivations That Help Congregations of the Future Leaders

11 Living in Grace

12 Our congregation shares GracePeaceHope

13 Grace Compassion Peace Community Hope Encouragement Good Fun Good Times

14 Live Grace compassion, forgiving, mercy, kindness, love, good fun, good times overcomes sin, guilt, grudge bitterness, resentment

15 Be Peace calm, contentment, community, serenity, relaxed overcomes tense, tight, nervous, anxious fear, anxiety, anger, rage

16 Share Hope assurance, confidence, joy encouraging, growing forward overcomes despair, depression, despondency, defeatism

17 people long for the grace of God

18 people yearn for the peace of Christ

19 people long for the hope of the Holy Spirit

20 people go to the church nearest their heart not their house

21 average trip time work major shopping major social recreational activities trip time horizon

22 80 4,000 pop 2,800 unc 20

23 40,000 28,000 30

24 1. total persons your congregation helps

25 many congregations help more people than they think they do

26 persons served mission 180 friends elsewhere 30 community persons 20 total persons served 490 members 120 constituents 140 total persons in our family

27 1. total persons your congregation helps 2. the congregations of the United Church of Canada help many persons with their lives

28 1925 6 years after Great War mission cooperation communication transportation more a top down time headquarters approach

29 2015 in midst of local wars mission strong cooperation present communication vast transportation easier more a congregation time local community approach

30 More local congregations are doing local, regional, national, and international mission projects. The United Church of Canada is diminishing its national projects even as local congregations are advancing theirs. We are doing more, helping more people, with a local congregation basis.

31 1. total persons your congregation helps 2. the congregations of the United Church of Canada help many persons with their lives 3. total persons who worship with us

32 400 average 550 persons 10 years passing of 4 Sunday worshipers 400 average950 persons total persons served in worship

33 1. total persons your congregation helps 2. the congregations of the United Church of Canada help many persons with their lives 3. total persons who worship with us

34 people join a family not an organization

35 people join a community not a committee

36 people join a congregation not an institution

37 we live in the grace of God

38 we live in the peace of Christ

39 we live in the hope of the Holy Spirit

40 Our congregation shares GracePeaceHope

41 Strengths for this Time

42 we claim our strengths we claim God ’ s gifts

43 we look for the strengths we really have not the ones we wish we had

44 when we look for the strengths we wish we had we miss the strengths we really have

45 the strengths for an unchurched culture need to be stronger than for a churched culture what we could get away with as a 5 needs to be a 9

46 mission visitation worship groupings leadership participation program access visibility parking facilities giving

47 six possibilities select three

48 mission visitation worship groupings leadership participation program access visibility parking facilities giving

49 1. shepherding birthdays anniversaries illness emergencies

50 are you the ones to come or should we look for others?

51 We shepherd because God first shepherds us

52 credibility integrity honesty truth respect solid helpful dependable trustworthy

53 credibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 grace peace hope personalshepherding project, objective friends, leaders congregationcommunity institution, post

54 2. worship community services multiple services warm, welcoming music, stirring, inspiring preaching, helpful, hopeful service, power, movement

55 3. groupings one time seasonal short term small sprinter

56 4. leadership short term high delegation power4th generation

57 5. visibility flowers landscaping attractive sign Christmas 2015 Easter 2016 buildings disappear, become invisible show something new each year

58 6. building study value endow part or whole 30 year possibility

59 we build on our strengths we do better what we do best we are now in the strongest position to add a new strength

60 match the plays with the players send in the plays the players can run never send in more plays than the players can run

61 six possibilities select three shepherding worship groupings leadership visibility facilities

62 mission visitation worship groupings leadership participation program access visibility parking facilities giving

63 Motivations that Help

64 Church Culture Mission Culture Millennial Culture

65 Church Culture Challenge Reasonability Commitment

66 Mission Culture Compassion Community Hope

67 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment

68 Motivational Match Motivational Gap

69 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

70 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

71 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

72 good shepherd helpful preaching wise, caring leader community pastor

73 the more shepherding the less bickering the less shepherding the more bickering

74 the more shepherding the more giving the less shepherding the less giving

75 recruiting volunteers

76 Mary we invite you to come fall in love with this group of kids

77 kids care what the teacher knows when they know the teacher cares

78 the foundation of learning is love

79 the team plays well for the coach who loves the team

80 loving listening learning leading

81 50 H 50 H 50,000 PAB KL 10,000 Commitment Challenge Reasonability LGH SR EFA 40,000

82 50 H 5 0 H 50,000 Compassion Community Hope 50,000

83 We are grateful for the compassion and generosity of God’s grace in our lives We are thankful for the hope with which God blesses us We generously pledge ______ to advance God’s Mission in 2016

84 Shepherding Listening Learning Leading Worship - Giving 157

85 discipleship is compassion

86 stewardship is compassion

87 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

88 Church Culture Mission Culture Millennial Culture

89 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

90 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

91 Compassion Community Hope Challenge Reasonability Commitment Key Leaders Grass Roots Pastor Staff Un church

92 shepherding visits your spirit hope plan 3 one-time events hope project recruit compassion 8-12 worship closing hymn 3 persons help project bulletin meetings forgive

93 Congregations of the Future

94 1. grace peace hope 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional 5. excellent sprinter 6. grassroots 7. highly creative

95 1. grace peace hope 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional

96 John, be at peace you are doing solid work they can never compete with you

97 small mega

98 bigness stirs the desire for closeness immensity breeds the longing for immediacy fear breeds the need for comfort

99 small strongweakdying middle large mega

100 3 small, strong worship congregations is one large, regional

101 small strongweakdying middle large mega

102 1. grace 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional 5. excellent sprinter

103 packing for vacation homework sermon preparation children at school ADD children’s choirs 1P 1S marathon grandchildren Lutherans

104 Excellent Sprinters Short term Highly intensive Near the time at hand

105 Solid Marathon Runner Routine Regular Weekly, Monthly

106 people learn both patterns of behavior grandparents

107 nomad agrarian industrial technological marathon sprinter Major Shifts

108 nomad agrarian industrial technological marathon Major Shifts

109 nomad agrarian industrial technological marathon sprinter Major Shifts millennialeasy sprinter

110 One Time Seasonal Short Term 3 - 5 Long Term 6 + Weekly, Monthly Yr Rd

111 Dying Congregations long term 6+ wk mo yr rd short term 3-5 seas onal one time 8 6

112 Weak, Declining Congregations long term 6+ wk mo yr rd short term 3-5 seas onal one time 8 6 4 2 1

113 2 1 4 6 8 Strong, Healthy Congregations one time seas onal short term 3-5 long term 6+ wk mo yr rd once

114 4 6 8 Strong, Healthy Congregations one time seas onal short term 3-5 now

115 mission shepherding worship fellowship common interest recreational Bible prayer gathering team, task force giving One time Seas onal Short term

116 1. grace 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional 5. excellent sprinter 6. grassroots

117 October 31, 2017 500 years “ grace comes equally to all persons ” Martin Luther “ grace is grassroots ” Kennon Callahan

118 top down hierarchical autocratic benevolent dictatorial structures have seen their day

119 people join a congregation, not a denomination the local congregation is the center of life local congregations support one another

120 1. grace 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional 5. excellent sprinter 6. grassroots 7. highly creative

121 highly creative the focus is on the project not on duties responsibilities job descriptions position the project is the power

122 1. grace 2. strengths 3. motivations 4. small, strong – large, regional 5. excellent sprinter 6. grassroots 7. highly creative

123 the best days are ahead for congregations who focus on these seven possibilities

124 Leaders

125 worship ways people give giving pattern thank you

126 Easter is God’s Way of teaching us our future

127 Increase Worship Increase Giving warm, welcoming music, stirring, inspiring preaching, helpful, hopeful service, power, movement

128 traditional revival high church jazz liturgical bluegrass gospel praise contemporary blended seeker generation family stadium

129 E aster Christmas 8 Major Community

130 2015 Easter Christmas 2 4 2016 3 7 2017 3 10

131 visits1 5 5 phone 2 5 10 notes 1 5 5 email2 10 20 text1 20 mail 2 50 families invited 110 total persons 330

132 family, friends life stage human hurt hope community interest

133 Average Worship 50 Highest Sunday 90 Major Community Sunday 150

134 the first Sunday we came Mary so warmly welcomed us we knew we had found home

135 new person greeters ushers pew greeters choir worship leader pastor

136 simplecomplex stirringprofound inspiringthoughtful emotionalintellectual Balance MusicPreaching

137 simplecomplex stirringprofound inspiringthoughtful emotionalintellectual Music Preaching

138 simplecomplex stirringprofound inspiringthoughtful emotionalintellectual balance Music Preaching

139 simplecomplex stirringprofound inspiringthoughtful emotionalintellectual balance MusicPreaching

140 first three minutes last three minutes warm moments 1 strength for living

141 worship ways people give giving pattern thank you

142 Ways People Give Generously Spontaneous Major Sundays Planned Major Project Enduring Annual

143 Total Giving 50,000 Spontaneous Major Sundays Special Planned Major Project Annual Enduring 50,000 closed

144 Total Giving 150,000 Spontaneous 12,000 Major Sundays 8,000 Planned 5,000 Major Project 60,000 Enduring 15,000 Annual 50,000

145 15 16 17 Spontaneous Major Sunday Special Plan Major Project Annual Enduring

146 worship ways people give giving pattern thank you

147 giving pattern

148 people give the way they receive their income barterharvest cashweekly checkmonthly check/credit cardmonthlyseasonal auto transferseasonal

149 J F M A M J J A S O N D Giving Pattern

150 J F M A M J J A S O N D Giving Pattern

151 J F M A M J J A S O N D 12 6% 13 5% 14 7% 3YA 6% 15100,000 Giving Goal Jan 6,000 Given 6,000 Thank You

152 J F M A M J J A S O N D 12 6% 13 5% 14 7% 3YA 6% 15100,000 1/12 8.33% Needed 8,333 Received 6,500 Short 1,833

153 J F M A M J J A S O N D 12 6% 13 5% 14 7% 3YA 6% 15100,000 Giving Goal Jan 6,000 Given 6,000 Thank You

154 worship ways people give giving pattern thank you


156 positive reinforcement raises more generosity any day than negative reinforcement every day

157 Thank You Well Done

158 1 > 3 good will 1 > 3 ill will

159 Congregation Thank You Recorded Contributions Special Gifts Thank You Statements Encouragement Letter News Letter, Bulletin Year End “ Thank You ”

160 worship ways people give giving pattern thank you

161 Living in G race Strengths for This Time Motivations That Help Congregations of the Future Leaders

162 The Grace of God bless you…. The Peace of Christ be with you…. The Hope of the Holy Spirit lead you….

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