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Windows-Linux Interconnection Campus-Booster ID : **XXXXX Copyright © SUPINFO. All rights reserved Samba.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows-Linux Interconnection Campus-Booster ID : **XXXXX Copyright © SUPINFO. All rights reserved Samba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows-Linux Interconnection Campus-Booster ID : **XXXXX Copyright © SUPINFO. All rights reserved Samba

2 Your trainer… Title: **Enter title or job role. Accomplishments: **What makes the presenter qualified to present this course. Education: **List degrees if important. Publications: **Writings by the presenter on the subject of the course or presentation. Contact: **Campus-Booster ID: Presenter’s Name Samba

3 Course objectives Understand how to share data by defining and reminding history of Samba. Install and configure Samba. By completing this course, you will : Samba

4 Course topics These are the parts we will approach : Samba Presentation of Samba The different protocols Presentation of Samba Configuration of Samba Client side Server side SWAT

5 Presentation of Samba From Netbios to now… Samba

6 Quotation “More we share, more we have.” — Leonard Nimoy, American actor Presentation of Samba

7 Preview NetBios protocol. SMB protocol. Presentation of Samba 3. These are the chapters that we will approach : Presentation of Samba

8 NetBIOS Protocol Presentation of Samba Created by IBM in 1984 Based on the host name Rudimentary NBT = NetBIOS on TCP/IP Here are some features of NetBIOS:

9 SMB Protocol Presentation of Samba S erver M essage B lock

10 SMB Protocol Here are some features of SMB : Presentation of Samba Created by IBM and Microsoft. Based on NetBIOS. 2 mode of authentication : share user

11 Presentation of Samba 3 Here are some features of Samba 3 : Presentation of Samba Created by Andrew Tridgell, in 1991 Allows to share : files printers Can act as a : Domain controller WINS server (Windows Internet Name Service)

12 Stop-and-Think Do you have any questions ? Presentation of Samba

13 Configuration of Samba Client and Server Samba

14 Preview Client configuration. Server configuration. SWAT. These are the chapters that we will approach : Configuration of Samba

15 Client configuration The client tools: Configuration of Samba smbclient Client command which allows to connect to a server. Navigation as ftp smbmount Mounts the remote shares on the local files system nmblookup Gets an IP address from a NetBIOS name.

16 Server configuration smbd Manages files and printers sharing. nmbd Names management service Samba owns two daemons : Configuration of Samba

17 Server configuration Configuration of Samba Only one configuration file for the server. Sections [global]: general configuration options of the server [homes]: options concerning the sharing of the personal directories. [netlogon]: options concerning the management of netlogon (scripts). [printer]:options concerning the sharing of printers [share]: here, “share” indicates a specific shared folder. [section_name] Parameter = value Parameter2 = value2

18 Server configuration Configuration of Samba Variable substitutions Allow to specify a variable instead of a name for a directive. These are some :  %U : The session username.  %G : The Primary group of %U  %h : The Server’s hostname  %I : The IP address of the client  %T : The current date and time  %s : The connected user

19 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [global] section Allows to configure environment parameters for the server. Some basis parameters:  Workgroup  netbios name  Invalid users  Hosts deny/allow  guest account Allows to activate the WINS server:  name resolve order = wins host lmhosts bcast  wins support = yes

20 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [global] section Security options allow to specify how the security is managed:  user: Authentication on the server in order to list the shares and to have access on them.  share: Authentication is done on each shared folder. The listing is made without logging.  server or domain: Allows an authentication on another domain or server.

21 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [global] section [global] time server = yes workgroup = LINUX netbios name= LABO server string = %h server (Samba, Mandriva) passdb backend = tdbsam obey pam restrictions = yes guest account = nobody invalid users = root

22 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [share] section: Each shared folder needs his section. Share sections parameters:  comment: shared folder description.  path: path to the local folder.  valid users: list of authorized users - user1, user2 : access for user1 and user2 only. - @users: access for the group “users” only.  browseable: possibility to explore the shared folder  read only: access in read only mode.

23 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [share] section [Share] path = /home/shared_folder comment = My shared folder valid users = gecko, @supinfo, mandriva, bob write list = @supinfo, mandriva Read list = gecko, bob public = no

24 Server configuration Particular Sections: Configuration of Samba [homes] Section Share each user’s home directory as //server/username. valid users = %s : Access only for the user at his own home folder. [netlogon] Section Allows to configure the netlogon shared folder (scripts *.bat..) Useful to configure the server as a DC. Path: /var/lib/samba/netlogon

25 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [homes] comment = Home Directories browseable = yes valid users = %S writable = yes create mask = 0600 directory mask = 0700 [netlogon] comment = Network Logon Service path = /home/samba/netlogon guest ok = yes writable = no share modes = no

26 Server configuration Particular Sections: Configuration of Samba [printers] Section Allows the sharing for the printers. printable directive : activates the shared folder. Path: /var/spool/samba (path to the printing queue) [print$] Section Shared folder containing printing drivers. Path: /var/lib/samba/printer, path to the drivers.

27 Server configuration Configuration of Samba [printers] comment = All Printers browseable = no path = /var/spool/samba printable = yes guest ok = no writable = yes create mode = 0700 [print$] comment = Printer Drivers path = /var/lib/samba/printers browseable = yes read only = yes guest ok = no

28 Server configuration smbpasswd command : Configuration of Samba Allows to activate/add a samba user. Users used by some directives like valid users. Options: -a : add (add a samba user) -e: enable (enable a samba user)

29 Server configuration testparm command : Configuration of Samba Checks if your configuration is smb.conf file is correct [supinfo@localhost ~]$ testparm Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf Processing section "[homes]" Processing section "[printers]" Processing section "[print$]" Processing section "[share]" Loaded services file OK. Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

30 SWAT The Samba Web Administration Tool: Configuration of Samba The package in Mandriva: In /etc/xinetd.d/swat : # urpmi samba-swat service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = localhost user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID disable = no }

31 SWAT The Samba Web Administration Tool: Configuration of Samba Need help?: HOWTO-Collection/SWAT.html HOWTO-Collection/SWAT.html

32 Stop-and-Think Do you have any questions ? Configuration of Samba

33 Presentation of Samba (protocol, samba) Course Summary Configuration of Samba (client, server) Samba Samba Web Administration Tool

34 For more… CoursesPublicationsWeb sites Linux MCA If you want to go into these subjects more deeply…: Samba

35 Congratulations You have successfully completed the SUPINFO course module n°10 Samba

36 The End Samba

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