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Karel the Robot A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object- Oriented Programming in Java.

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Presentation on theme: "Karel the Robot A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object- Oriented Programming in Java."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karel the Robot A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object- Oriented Programming in Java

2 Who is Karel? Karel is actually a very nice, gentle introduction into Java. And a lot of the concepts that we learn, sort of software engineering concepts using Karel, will translate over to the Java world.

3 Who is Karel? The term, "Karel" actually comes from Karel Capek. He was a Czech playwright who actually wrote a play called, "RUR," which was about robots. And the word Robot actually comes from a Czech word, the Czech word for work. And so the robot is named after Karel. And some people say Karl, which is kind of actually closer to the actual pronunciation.

4 Schools Using Karel  Stanford  UC-Berkeley  U. of Washington  Air Force Academy  Westpoint (USMA)  Carnegie-Mellon  Purdue

5 Karel's World A flat World Horizontal streets running East-West Vertical avenues running North-South Intersection 2, 3 Walls

6 Karel's World Walls impenetrable structures that robots can't get through Beepers objects which robots can put down, pick up and carry Walls Beepers

7 Robot Abilities Move move only in the direction it is facing moves one block at a time, from one intersection to the next robot at 2, 3 facing Eastmoves to 2,4 (still facing East)

8 Robot Abilities Turn left  rotate 90 degrees anti-clockwise robot at 2, 4 facing Eastturns to face North (still at 2,4)

9 Robot Abilities pick up a beeper put down a beeper Beepers can be picked up or put down at 2, 3

10 For example, it might look like the figure below on a computer screen.

11 Walls Also in Karel’s environment are impenetrable wall sections that can be placed between streets. Karel can “see” wall sections that are immediately to his front or to his left and right sides.

12 Wall Sections Can be used to form a maze that Karel must navigate


14 Wall Sections …or to represent hurdles that Karel must “jump” in a hurdle race

15 Karel’s Capabilities Karel is a mobile robot: he can move forward, in the direction he is facing, and he can turn in place. Karel possesses rudimentary senses: Sight Sound Direction Touch

16 Karel is equipped with a mechanical arm that he can use to pick up and put down beepers. To carry these beepers, Karel has a soundproof “beeper bag.” Karel can determine if he is carrying any beepers in this bag by probing it with his arm.

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