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SCIENCE Introduction. 8 th Grade Science  Teacher: Mr. Elliott Alvarado  Conference: 1:05 PM to 1:45 PM  =

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE Introduction. 8 th Grade Science  Teacher: Mr. Elliott Alvarado  Conference: 1:05 PM to 1:45 PM  ="— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE Introduction

2 8 th Grade Science  Teacher: Mr. Elliott Alvarado  Conference: 1:05 PM to 1:45 PM  Email =  I am happy to communicate with parents/guardians in person, via email (preferred), letter or phone but note that I do *NOT* text.  Students should ONLY communicate with me in person while in class. I do not email or phone students.

3 Expectations (not exclusive list) 1. Composition style notebook – bring to class. 2. Pen or pencil, pens must be black or blue ink. 3. Must be to class on time, prepared for lesson. 4. Observe ALL lab safety, class and school rules. 5. Do not talk while I’m giving directions, lecturing or answering questions. 6. You will be able to use your journal on assessments. 7. Textbooks do NOT leave the classroom. 8. This is NOT a “BOYD” classroom, cell phones are not allowed. Keep your toys at home.

4 What is science? 1. Science is a human endeavor. 2. Science addresses questions about the natural and material world. 3. Science is a way of knowing… A. Scientific knowledge: i. assumes an order and consistency in natural systems ii. is based on empirical evidence or observations iii. is open to revision in light of new evidence B. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms and theories explain natural phenomena C. Scientific investigations use a variety of methods Adapted from the Next Generation Science Standards, 2014, p. 4

5 Online Textbook  The science textbook is available in its entirety, free of cost, to your student, 24/7 through the Internet.  To access the text, go to this website address:   For username, type in KISDS followed by your student’s six digit student ID number. For example, KISDS123456.  For password, use the first three letters of the last name followed by the student’s six digit student ID. For example, ABC123456.  The student account will be set up by the district so you don’t have to do anything except log on!

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