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History It took from beginning of human history to A.D. 1800 for Earth’s population to reach 1 billion. 1800-1930  2 billion 1930-1975  4 billion.

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Presentation on theme: "History It took from beginning of human history to A.D. 1800 for Earth’s population to reach 1 billion. 1800-1930  2 billion 1930-1975  4 billion."— Presentation transcript:

1 History It took from beginning of human history to A.D. 1800 for Earth’s population to reach 1 billion. 1800-1930  2 billion 1930-1975  4 billion

2 Current population at 7.1 billion India is projected to surpass China in population by 2050. U.S will have estimated 420 million people.

3 Assess Demographic Transition Birthrates Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- average # of children born per women during reproductive lifetime (15-44) A TFR of 2.1 is needed to produce a stabilized population called zero- population growth. Rule of 72

4 Why is this important? Virtually all of the major problems we face today relate in some critical way back to population growth. Thomas Malthus- Human ability to multiply would exceed our ability to increase food production. Will cause famine, disease, war

5 Lifestyle If everyone on Earth lived as a Middle Class American consuming roughly 3.3 times level of food and energy resources and about 250 x clean water  2 billion. pZw yN2G5BY0

6 Sources Cunnignham, P. William and Cunningham, Mary Ann. Environmental Science a global concern. 12 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 2012. Print. Damash Mona and etc., The Human Mosaic, 11 th ed. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2010. Print.

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