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You will be required to work with a partner in order to complete the following three tasks: 1) You will be exploring several different web sites.

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7 You will be required to work with a partner in order to complete the following three tasks: 1) You will be exploring several different web sites about frogs. “Jump” around these different sites to learn lots of interesting facts about frogs. Upon completion of your research, you will be asked to identify and sequence the life cycle of a frog; 2) You will also be writing a limerick about a frog called a “Froggerick;” 3) To give you something to really “croak” about, you will be choosing your favorite frog jokes to share with the class. “Hop” on into a toadily good time!

8 Process 1) In order to explore facts about frogs, including the life cycle of a frog, please visit the following web sites. bians/Frogprintout.shtml Once you have finished exploring the above web sites, you need to complete the worksheet on the life cycle of a frog found at the end of this web quest. Print out, color, cut apart the sections, place in the correct order starting from birth, and then staple together to form a book.


10 Visit the following web sites to familiarize yourself with frog poems and limericks. Then make your own limerick. In order to do this, use handwriting paper and copy the verse below the poem and limerick web sites. Fill in the missing blanks; be sure to follow the clues. html tml

11 My Froggerick I once knew ______________ the frog, (frog’s name) Who liked to _______________ on a log. (action word) He ________________________ all day (action word) In his ____________________old way. (descriptive word) Such is ____________ ‘s life in the bog. (frog’s name)

12 Visit the below web sites and “jump” into some great frog jokes. Once you have explored the various jokes, choose 3 of your favorite jokes. Write each joke on a small, separate piece of paper. You will be placing your joke papers in your personally designed “Froggie Joke Bag.” In order to make your joke bag: take a brown lunch bag from the art center, print out the Frog Bag worksheet, found below and follow the directions on the worksheet. Once you have completed your joke bag, place your jokes inside your bag. Be sure to practice telling these jokes. You will be required to tell these jokes to the class. Practice good eye contact, use a clear loud voice, use lots of feeling, and remember to SMILE! Have fun!!!!

13 Evaluation The life cycle worksheet will be evaluated on the student’s ability to put the life cycle worksheet in the correct sequence. The student must also use true “real life” colors. The limerick will be evaluated on originality, parts of speech and proper use of handwriting skills. Joke telling will be evaluated on the student’s ability to use direct eye contact, a clear, loud voice and lots of feeling. Now look at the evaluation worksheet below to critique yourself.

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