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Published byProsper Bailey Modified over 9 years ago
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 1 Bologna Stocktaking for 2007 Andrejs Rauhvargers, Chair of Stocktaking WG
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 2 What is Stocktaking about? Started on request of ministers in 2003 Berlin Communiqué Aim – to measure progress at European level Sources: –EURYDICE – statistics and yes/no checks of legislation –National reports Presentation of results: –Colourer scorecard on measurable indicators –Analytical report in text form
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 3 Example of Bologna scorecard Scorecard isn’t all – Stocktaking Report contains analysis presented as text
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 4 Bergen communiqué requests in degree system priority Implementation of 3-cycle degree system implementation of the national frameworks for qualifications: (2007 - launch work, 2010 – complete) employability of graduates with bachelor qualifications:
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 5 Requests in quality assurance priority Implementation of the external QA system International participation Participation of students implementation of the standards and guidelines for QA in the European Higher Education Area introducing the proposed model for peer review of quality assurance agencies on a national basis
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 6 Recognition Implementation of Diploma Supplement and ECTS Ratification of the Lisbon Convention Ensuring the full implementation of the Lisbon Convention principles and incorporating them in national legislation as appropriate.” drawing up national action plans to improve the quality of the process associated with the recognition of foreign qualifications. These plans will form part of national reports for the next Ministerial Conference.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 7 Areas outside the first three priorities: Lifelong learning creating opportunities for flexible learning paths in higher education, including procedures for the recognition of prior learning. Joint degrees awarding and recognition of joint degrees Social dimension – preparation to include in stocktaking
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 8 Information to be prepared by countries EURYDICE report - by May 15, 2006 National report on implementation of Bologna process – by December 15, 2006 National action plan for recognition – by December 15, 2006
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 9 List of indicators for 2007 scorecard Degree system 1.Stage of implementation of the Ist and IInd cycle 2.Access to the next cycle 3.Implementation of the national QFs Quality assurance 4. National implementation of Standards & Guidelines for QA in the EHEA 5. Stage of development of QA system 6. (A&B) student and international participation
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 10 List of indicators for 2007 scorecard Recognition 7. Stage of implementation of Diploma supplement 8. National implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention 9. Stage of implementation of ECTS Lifelong learning 10. Recognition of prior learning Joint degrees 11. Establishing and recognition of JDs Note that this all is concerning recognition!
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 11 Scorecard criteria
Degree system 1. Stage of implementation of the 1st and 2nd cycle (3rd cycle shifted to text!) Green (5) In 2006/07 at least 90% of students are enrolled in a two- cycle degree system* that is in accordance with the Bologna principles Light green (4) In 2006/07 60-89 % …. Yellow (3) In 2006/07 30-59 % … Orange (2) In 2006/07 less than 30 % … OR l egislation adopted, awaiting implementation Red (1) There is no legislation in force to make the degree system compatible with the Bologna principles * There may be exceptions for a limited number fields leading to regulated professions
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 13 Degree system - Eurydice: Bologna structure – since when? all types of institutions/ fields of study? In which fields are long studies kept? Are ISCED 5B programmes included? Incentives/ control measures If NOT: Is there legislation approved / pilot project / debate/ incentives TNR % of students enrolled in the two cycle degree system in 2006/07.
Degree system 2. Access to the next cycle Green (5) (5) All 1st cycle qualif. give access* to several 2nd cycle programmes and all 2nd cycle qualifications give access to at least one 3rd cycle programme Light green (4) All 1st/2nd cycle qualifications give access to at least one next cycle programme Yellow(3) Some (<25%) 1st /2nd cycle qualifications do not give access to the next cycle Orange(2) A significant number (25-50%) of qualif. do not give access to the next cycle Red (1) Most (>50%) 1st / 2nd cycle qualif. do not give access or no arrangements for access
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 15 Access to next cycle Eurydice: Information from national diagrams Transfer from ISCED 5B programmes to 5A TNR: % of 1st cycle qualifications that give access to the 2nd cycle (and to 3rd cycle) % of 2nd cycle qualifications that give access to the 3rd cycle Specify which qualifications DO NOT give access to next cycle. any examples where bridging is necessary in the same subject area plans to remove obstacles for access
3. Implementation of national QF Green (5) A national QF in line with the QF for EHEA is in place* Light green (4) A proposal for a national QF in line … has been discussed with all relevant stakeholders at the national level Yellow (3) A proposal for a national QF in line … has been prepared Orange (2) Development of national QF in line … has started, all relevant stakeholders involved Red (1) Work at establishing national QF in line with the overarching QF for EHEA has not started *embedded in national legislation/has been agreed between stakeholders and is ready to be implemented
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 17 National qualifications framework Eurydice Has your country approved a NQF Are there plans for adoption/ public debate. TNR the stage of implementation of the NQF: e.g., WG established; national descriptors of the main types of qualifications prepared, discussed, etc. to what extent NQF is in line with QF of EHEA role of stakeholders in development of NQF
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 18 Scorecard criteria Quality assurance
QA 4. National implementation of Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA Green (5) A national QA system in line with the S&G for QA in the EHEA is fully in operation Light green (4) The process of implementing a national QA system in line with the Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA has started Yellow (3) Clear plans and established deadlines for amending the national QA system in line with the Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA Orange (2) National quality assurance system is under review in line with the Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA Red (1) No arrangements to implement S&G
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 20 Quality assurance Standards and guidelines TNR the stage of implementation of the national QA system in line with the S&G for QA any action that has been taken to ensure the national quality assurance system is in line with the S&G for QA in the EHEA any action planned to ensure the national quality assurance system is in line with the S&G for QA in the EHEA.
5. Stage of development of external QA system Green (5) QA system in operation, applies to all HE*. Evaluation of programmes or institutions includes : internal assessment, external review, publication of results, peer review of national QA agency Light green (4) Applies to all HE. Covers: internal assessment, external review, publication Yellow (3) Does not apply to all HE. Covers at least 1 of the 3 above elements Orange (2) Legislation/regulations including at least the first 3 elements prepared but not implemented or implementation has begun on a very limited scale Red (1) No legislation or regulations with at least the first 3 elements or legislation in the process of preparation
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 22 External QA the scope of your external QA system: does it operate at a national level; does it cover all HE are the following elements are included : –internal assessment –external review –publication of results –peer review of the national agency(ies) according to the S&G for QA in the EHEA.
6a. Level of student participation in QA Green (5) Students participate at four levels: - In the governance of national bodies for QA - in external review: in expert teams OR at decision making stage, - in consultation during external reviews - in internal evaluations Light green (4) Students participate at 3 of the 4 above levels Yellow (3) Students participate at 2 of the 4 above levels Orange (2) Students participate at 1 of the 4 above levels Red (1) No student involvement or no clarity about structures/arrangements for student participation
6b. Level of international participation in QA Green (5) International participation takes place at four levels: - in governance of national bodies for QA - in external evaluation of national QA agencies - in teams for external review of HEIs, - membership of ENQA/other QA networks Light green (4) International participation at 3 of the 4 above levels Yellow (3) International participation at 2 of the 4 above levels Orange (2) International participation at 1 of the 4 above levels Red (1) No international involvement or no clarity about structures/arrangements for international particip.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 25 Student /international participation Level of student participation : –the governance of national agencies for QA –in external review teams –a decision making process for external reviews –consultation process during external reviews –in internal evaluations. Level of international participation –QA governance of national agencies for –the external evaluation of national QA agencies –teams for external review –membership of ENQA, other international network
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 26 Scorecard criteria for recognition of degrees and study periods
Recogn. 7. Stage of implementation of DS Green (5) Every graduate of 2007 will receive a DS in the agreed DS format, widely spoken European language, automatically, free of charge Light green (4) Same as above but –ON REQUEST Yellow (3) …. on request …. to SOME students or in SOME programmes Orange (2) …. to some students or in some programmes in 2007 …. on request, NOT FREE OF CHARGE Red (1) Systematic issuing of DS in the agreed format and in a widely spoken European language has not started.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 28 Recognition – Diploma supplement Eurydice + TNR When was DS introduced? Does DS follow the official model? Is the Diploma Supplement issued by all institutions and for all programmes? In which language's)? Is it free of charge for all languages? % of students receiving? Are there any incentives / control /follow-up ? NO DS yet: different kind of diploma supplement? Is there official decision / pilot project* / debate / incentives /control/follow-up measures
Recogn. 8. National Implementation of the principles of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Green (5) Convention ratified, legislation complies with the legal framework of LRC, fulfilling the 5 main principles: - applicants’ right to fair assessment, - recognition if there are no substantial differences, - duty to demonstrate the substantial differences - duty to provide information on institutions/ programmes - duty to establish an ENIC Light green (4) As above but some amendments are needed to intro- duce the principles of the later supplem. documents Yellow (3) Convention ratified, legislation is in compliance with 3 or 4 out of 5 abovementioned principles Orange (2) Convention ratified, legislation is in compliance with 1 or 2 out of 5 abovementioned principles Red (1) The convention ratified but legislation has NOT been reviewed or Convention has not been ratified
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 30 LRC implementation TNR has your country ratified the LRC? has national legislation been reviewed against the main principles of the LRC? which of the following principles are applied in practice –applicants’ right to fair assessment –recognition if no subst. differences can be proven –demonstration of substantial differences, where recognition is not granted –provision of information about your country’s HE programmes and institutions do you have a fully operational ENIC?
9. Stage of implementation of ECTS Green (5) In 2007 ECTS credits are allocated in all 1st/ 2nd cycle progr., enabling transfer + accumulation. Light green (4) ECTS in at least 75 % of the 1st and 2nd programmes, OR a fully compatible credit system enabling credit transfer and accumulation* Yellow (3) As above but in 50-74 % of programmes Orange (2) ECTS in less than 50% of progr. OR national system is NOT fully ECTS compatible OR ECTS is used but only for credit transfer Red (1) No credit system is in place yet *A “translation” between the national system and ECTS should be provided.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 32 ECTS Eurydice When was ECTS introduced? Is ECTS used for both transfer and accumulation? Is ECTS applied to all HEIs, fields of studies? Is it mandatory for all courses in all programmes? Does another credit system exist at national level? If ECTS is not yet implemented: - is there official decision / pilot project/ debate / incentives/ control/follow-up measures regarding the implementation of ECTS?
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 33 ECTS/ credits TNR Describe the credit system operating in your country: the stage of implementation of ECTS in 2007 % of first and second cycle programmes using ECTS in 2007 how any other credit or accumulation system in use relates to ECTS: is it compatible with ECTS; what is the ratio between national and ECTS credits.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 34 Lifelong learning
LLL 10. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) Green (5) There are procedures/national guidelines or policy for assessment of PL for 1) access to HE programmes, and 2) allocation of credits Light green (4) As above but only for one of the above purposes Yellow (3) Procedures/ guidelines or policy agreed/adopted and awaiting implementation OR: no national policies but RPL is demonstrably in operation at some HEIs/ programmes Orange (2) Implementation of RPL is in a pilot phase at some HEIs OR: drawing up procedures/national guidelines or policy for RPL has been started Red (1) No procedures for RPL are in place either at the national or at institutional/programme level.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 36 Recognition of prior learning Describe the measures in place to recognise prior learning, including non-formal and informal learning: the stage of development of any procedures or national guidelines to recognise prior learning a description of any procedures or national guidelines for assessing prior learning as a basis for entry to HE a description of any procedures or guidelines for allocating credits as a basis of exemption from some programme requirements.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 37 Flexible learning paths – Describe legislative/ other measures to create opportunities for flexible learning paths in HE: any flexibility in entry requirements any flexible delivery methods any modular structures of programmes.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 38 Joint degrees
JDs 11. Establishment & recognition of Joint Degrees Green (5) Legislation allows and encourages establishing JPs, awarding JDs* and for national recognition of JDs. Light green (4) Legislation does not explicitly mention JDs but there are no obstacles to JPs, awarding and recognition of JDs or at least double or multiple degrees OR Legislation for establishing joint programmes, awarding and recognition of JDs is prepared and nationally agreed but not yet implemented Yellow (3) Legislation makes no obstacles to establishment of JPs, but a degree is awarded in only one country after completion of the joint programme. Orange (2) There are obstacles to establishing JPs, awarding or recognizing JDs, but legislation is being drafted. Red (1) No possibilities to establish JPs, award and recognize JDs and there are no plans to amend legislation
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 40 Joint degrees Describe the legislative position on joint degrees in your country including: are JDs encouraged or at least permitted in national legislation? are JDs permitted in all three cycles? % of students following joint degrees any action being taken to encourage or allow joint programmes.
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 41 Concluding comments The working group will attempt to give more importance to the report text This means that the country answers to those questions that are not directly related to the scorecard indicators are of a great importance – they will serve for the analytical part of the report The National reports on Improvement of recognition will also be analysed and reflected in the text of Stocktaking report
Bologna Stocktaking 2007 42 Thanks for your attention!
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