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Roselawn Continuation High School Oscar Zagazeta Post University.

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Presentation on theme: "Roselawn Continuation High School Oscar Zagazeta Post University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roselawn Continuation High School Oscar Zagazeta Post University

2 Roselawn Past and Present Rural Farming Elementary School converted into a Continuation High School. Public School on private property and must abide by owners strict guidelines. Teachers now are making a move to better incorporate Common Core State Standards, for its 220 half- day students.

3 Technology Recommendation TabletsGaming Technology is fun. Has uses for every medium of education. Books and other materials are outdated. Vandalization can be minimized. “Quicker access to information, deeper engagement and greater flexibility.”(Johnson, 2013) Gaming is fun. Education is about learning and games are how we learn naturally. Gaming creates dopamine. A drug created by the brain to reinforce nerve connections and communication. (Nawaz, 2010) Games use positive reinforcement, with badging. (Johnson, 2013) Learning environments which use gaming have shown positive effects on students. (Tüysüz, 2009)

4 Futuring Scenarios and

5 Futuring Futuring is a tool. Futuring is meant to think strategically about problems which could arise to help plan for these situations. Many Companies adopt five-year-futuring plans for the whole company and even have individuals within them make such plans for themselves. A main techniques to help futuring are scenarios. Planning for the future

6 Scenarios Thought provoking plans to inform, influence and enhance decision makers. (Mietzner, 2005) ProsCons Creating potential solutions. Creating potential solutions to problems which never happen. Requires interactions which builds ownership. Potential waste of time. Over time when used consistently creates more opportunities. Could be a loss for the company.

7 Trends Post University Oscar Zagazeta

8 Technology and Training Teachers need training to stay current on latest technologies to keep students interested(Missal, 2009). One such technology is Web 2.0. This is internet from hand held devices(Oxford, 2008). Teachers will foreseeably be allowed to have students to use personal technology (Oxford, 2008). Technology in the classroom helps with management, interest and deeper/higher order thinking (Oxford, 2008).

9 Public Policy and Budgets No Child Left Behind is a policy of the past. It has left it’s mark by providing us with regular testing data, more public information, and subgroup can no longer hide (Lagana- Riordan, 2009). Each state implanted and interpreted the information and tested differently. An academic intervention which will be corrected with Common Core State Standards(Lagana-Riordan, 2009). Sociology of students are not being addressed as needed (Lagana-Riordan, 2009). Budgets vary and are vast. It is a necessity to know which type of budgeting system your organization uses. Knowing this will allow one to be able to properly plan how allocate money(LuAnne Zierdt, 2009). There currently exist many different types of budgeting systems. Some of the most commonly used are Incremental, Formula, Program, and Performance-based budgeting(LuAnne Zierdt, 2009).

10 Vision of Roselawn School wide interventions to combat sociological issues. School beautification is student ran. Tablets with educational gaming and more. Academic scores increase because of interests and relationships formed (Lagana-Riordan, 2009). Common Core State Standards are implemented to fidelity. 2000 and 19

11 Call to Action The first steps which need to take place are the alterations of the technological infrastructure and the acceptance of the district to allow for time to be allocated in sociological needs of Roselawn ’ s students. Roselawn 2019 scene 1 take 1 Continuation HS By Zagazeta

12 References(slides 1-3) Johnson, L et. al. (2013). NMC Higher Education Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition. Retrieved from 18790320_1/courses/EDU505.901147014831/Documents/HorizonReport2013.pdf 18790320_1/courses/EDU505.901147014831/Documents/HorizonReport2013.pdf Nawaz, A., & Kundi, G. M. (2010). Predictor of e-learning development and use practices in higher education institutions (heis) of NWFP, Pakistan. Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 1(3), 44-54. Retrieved from Tüysüz, C. (2009). Effect of the computer based game on pre-service teachers’ achievement, attitudes, metacognition and motivation in chemistry. Scientific Research and Essay, 4(8), 780-790. Retrieved from Graphics Roselawn High School. 312 S Roselawn Ave, Turlock, CA [Map]. (n.d.) Retrieved from Google maps website: 8&q=Roselawn+High+School&fb=1&gl=us&hq=roselawn+high+school+history+turlock+ca&cid=9543038643186419737&ei=_hTa UryFKZDYoATex4CgBw&ved=0CL8BEPwSMAo Public Schools K12. (2010). Retrieved 2014, from U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics website: Video Clips Apple in Education Profiles. (n.d.). In Real Stories [Video Clip]. Retrieved 2014, from Apple website: Portnow, J., Floyd, D., & Floyd, C. (2013). Extra Credits: Games in Education. In Extra Credits [Video Clip]. Retrieved 2014, from You Tube website:

13 References (slides 4-6) Mietzner, D., & Reger, G. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic foresight. Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, 1(2), 220-239. Graphics: Flacy, M. (2012). Mattel plans to make ‘Back to the Future’ hover boards. In Digital Trends. Retrieved 2014, from Futurism. (2011). In Mimi and Eunice. Retrieved 2014, from Manzoor, S. (2013). Performance Test Scenarios Selection. In Passionate QA Professional. Retrieved 2014, from

14 References (Slides 7-11) Oxford, U. o. (2008, September). Analysis of emerging trends affecting the use of technology in education. Retrieved from Karrer, T. (2009, January 26). 12eLearning predictions for 2009: eLearning technology professor Missal [Web Blog]. Retrieved from Lagana-Riordan, C., & Aguilar, J. (2009). What's Missing from No Child Left Behind? A Policy Analysis from a Social Work Perspective. National Association of Social Workers, 31(3), 135-143. Retrieved from LuAnne Zierdt, G. (2009). Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 31(4), 345-353. Retrieved from Graphics: Peters, S. (2012). 5 emerging trends that will affect the way you do business. In On Display: The Nonprofit Retailing Blog. Retrieved 2014, from Hand in Hand. (n.d.). Retrieved from MgxFsLb8oYJZSLXiFRQMMZoDTxRW74iKe3d7EsVxtCoH1aaQSDX6evTkyZWftlaSNuwELn86IfAJZkr70k0qO4Rw9AMQxEms/Globe2020hands.jpg National Security,Bin Laden, RAND Policy and Minetta Transportation. (n.d.). Retrieved 2011, from AAAAAAAABAw/M-3OUwpoOvI/s1600/public+policy.jpg How should the 2014-2015 state budget reflect New Hampshire's priorities? (n.d.). Retrieved 2014, from LFDA website: Pramis, J. (2013). EyeVerify developing an eye-scanning unlock tool for your phone. In Digital Trends. Retrieved 2014, from

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