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Writing for Learning Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D. Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Learning Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D. Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Learning Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D. Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012

2 Teacher views  Rudy, architecture. “Assigning journals put students in the mode of constant reflection and helps them to become more critically aware of their world.”  Isabelle, community health. “Journaling is a proxy for experience. Writing is the only way to capture that experience. Journaling is not a mental process only. When it is true and deep, the journal entry embodies experience with emotional, cognitive and verbal components. I know you cannot always wrap works around your experience, so I let students draw, write poetry or use some other form of experience.” 2

3 Objectives  Connect reflective writing to powerful learning strategies  Show how journal writing boosts learning  Practice some research-based strategies 3

4 Three Synergistic Elements ReflectionMetacognitionWriting 4

5 Reflection  Powerful for adults  Needs to be practiced  Practice the noun  Practice the verb 5

6 Metacognition  Thinking about thinking  Significant correlation with success in college  Develop repertoire of strategies  Build a COGNITIVE TOOL BOX  Learn what works and what doesn’t 6

7 Journal Writing  Journal writing in particular  Place to practice  Place to create, sketch, plan, contemplate, play  Personal  Engagement  Unique…… affirmation of self 7

8 Journal for Learning  Journal location for collecting..  What you learn  How you learn  Journal place to explore  Journal place to rehearse  Journal place to see your progress and learning 8

9 Learning in class I  Freewrites: Preparation for writing  Invite surprise  See what is on your mind  Practice writing when you don’t have a topic  Post-it paper development 9

10 Learning in Class II  Focused freewrite on writing project  Journal associated with idea development,  Journaling fosters the creative process 10

11 An Activity: Focused Freewrite  Focused Free-write  Why do you care about this project?  Why should others care?  What do you know about it?  What do you want to know about it?  What are the key words associated with it?  What would a map of it look like?  What do you have to do to get it done?  What obstacles will be in your way?  What things, people will help you?  What will you do tomorrow? Next week?  AND, any other question that comes to mind  7 MINUTES, GO FOR IT! 11

12 Another…  Dialogue with….. ?  Dialogue with people  Dialogue with feelings  Dialogue with concepts  Dialogue with papers, projects  Dialogue with historical figures… LET’S DO IT! 12

13 Be strategic in learning  Find strategies that help you learn.  Practice  Assess effect Leads to: Perspective-taking Perception of control Greater engagement  Examples:  Focused Freewrite  Concept mapping  Dialogue  Cartoons  Letters to the person 13

14 Three elements  Reflect  Meta-think (metareflection, balcony view)  Write  POWERFUL COMBINATION  PROMOTES LEARNING  PROMOTES LASTING INSIGHT  OFFERS A LIFETIME PRACTICE. 14

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