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@sparqs_scotland Interpreting Board Objectives By the end of this session you will: Be able to list the various types of documents.

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Presentation on theme: "@sparqs_scotland Interpreting Board Objectives By the end of this session you will: Be able to list the various types of documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 @sparqs_scotland Interpreting Board papers

2 @sparqs_scotland Objectives By the end of this session you will: Be able to list the various types of documents you will encounter in board papers. Have considered several methods for tackling the documentation. Have practiced analysing board papers.

3 @sparqs_scotland Contents of Board papers Agenda. Minutes of previous meetings. Regional Chair report. Principal’s report. Committee reports. Decision papers. Discussion papers. Information papers. Finance statements. Strategy papers.

4 @sparqs_scotland Before the meeting Where and when is the meeting going to take place? Is there anything you want to put on the agenda? Get in touch with the Chair/Secretary. Have you prepared the SA report? Read any of the papers that have been sent round, including the previous meetings minutes. Speak to your Exec. Speak to other Board members.

5 @sparqs_scotland Urgent/important 21 43 Sections URGENCY IMPORTANCE

6 @sparqs_scotland KWL What I know. What I want to know. What I learnt.

7 @sparqs_scotland SQ3R Survey. Question. Read. Recite. Review.

8 @sparqs_scotland Reading Scan the title of the section and parts of the content to see if it is relevant. Skim the text to gain an overview of its content and confirm how centrally relevant it is. Intensively read the whole text to understand and evaluate its content in depth.

9 @sparqs_scotland Tips for effective reading Go through the sections in the order that you have prioritised them. Write down your current knowledge on the various sections of the documents. Summarise briefly each paragraph in the margin. Write questions you already have at this stage. Make a note of the page it relates to. Note questions as you go and note the page/section your question relate to. Write down additional questions you have after your reading. Write down things that you need clarification on. Use colour coding (highlighters and coloured tabs) to order your questions.

10 @sparqs_scotland During a meeting Always be on time, if you are going to be late let the Chair/Secretary know before the meeting. Take something to take your own notes with. Sit where the Chair can see you and raise your hand to indicate you want to contribute. Be assertive and polite. Ask questions if you do not understand anything.

11 @sparqs_scotland Objectives By the end of this session you will: Be able to list the various types of documents you will encounter in board papers. Have considered several methods for tackling the documentation. Have practiced analysing board papers.

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