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Chapter 12 More About Regression Let’s look at the Warm-Up first to remind ourselves what we did with regression! Remember FODS!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 More About Regression Let’s look at the Warm-Up first to remind ourselves what we did with regression! Remember FODS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 More About Regression Let’s look at the Warm-Up first to remind ourselves what we did with regression! Remember FODS!


3 Section 12.1 Inference for Linear Regression

4 Confidence intervals and significance tests about the slope of the population regression line are based on the sampling distribution of b, the slope of the sample regression line.

5 Conditions - LINER

6 How it works…

7 Confidence Intervals

8 Let’s look at SE…

9 Hypothesis Tests

10 Let’s do a confidence interval! We examined data from a study that investigated why some people don’t gain weight even when they overeat. Researchers deliberately overfed a random sample of 16 healthy young adults for 8 weeks. They measured fat gain and change in energy use from activity other than deliberate exercise (non-exercise activity, NEA) – fidgeting, daily living, etc – for each subject. Here are the results: NEA Change (cal)-94-57-29135143151245355 Fat Gain (kg) NEA Change (cal)392473486535571580620690 Fat Gain (kg)

11 Construct and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the slope of the population regression line. Check conditions first! Type information into calculator! Linear – look at scatterplot and draw it to prove that you have checked this condition. Independent – Normal – look at Normal probability plot of residuals and draw it to prove you checked this condition. (find the LinReg first and then do NPP with RESID – 2 nd list)

12 Keep checking conditions… Equal Variance – we want the standard deviation (the average distance from the mean – or 0) to be the same for all points – draw the residual plot to prove that you have looked at it. Random –

13 Do:

14 A Significance Test… Infants who cry easily may be more easily stimulated than others. This may be a sign of higher IQ. Researchers explored the relationship between crying infants 4 to 10 days old and their later IQ scores. The researchers flicked the infants with a rubber band and recorded the crying. They measured its intensity by the number of peaks in the most active 20 seconds. The table below contains data from a random sample of 38 infants.

15 a) Here is a scatterplot of the data with the least-squares regression line added. Describe what this graph tells you about the relationship between these two variables.

16 b) Using the min-tab output, what is the equation of the least-squares regression line?

17 c) Interpret slope and y-intercept of the regression line in context

18 d) Do these data provide convincing evidence that there is a positive linear relationship between crying counts and IQ scores in the population of infants?


20 Homework Pg 759 (6, 8, 13-15, 18-26)

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