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Designing An Instructional Program For ELL And R-ELL Students: An Examination of A Professional Development Plan To Enhance Student Instruction Newport.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing An Instructional Program For ELL And R-ELL Students: An Examination of A Professional Development Plan To Enhance Student Instruction Newport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing An Instructional Program For ELL And R-ELL Students: An Examination of A Professional Development Plan To Enhance Student Instruction Newport Mill Middle School 11311 Newport Mill Road, Kensington, Maryland 20895

2 Presenters Alexia Couch Staff Development Teacher Sally Moran Eiighth Grade Team Leader Sally_ Laura Marion Middle Years Programme Coordinator Nelson McLeod, II Principal Nelson_McLeod@

3 Outcomes By the end of the training session, participants will have…  Gained an understanding of the initial steps the stakeholders at Newport Mill Middle School took in designing an instructional program for ELL and R-ELL students  Viewed artifacts used to support the development of the professional development plan  Developed a greater understanding of components of the professional development plan that could be implemented in a school setting.

4 Activator Reflect on the questions and be prepared to share.

5 Reflection Questions June 2006 Three open-ended questions were posed: 1.What is working well at Newport Mill regarding the delivery ELL/R-ELL instruction? 2.What needs to be improved upon at Newport Mill 3. What would the ideal middle school program include?

6 Training School Leadership Week Dr. Sandra Duval, Staff Development Content Specialist, Secondary ESOL, Curriculum Training and Development Ms. Lois B Wions, Program Supervisor, ESOL Instruction July 13, 2006 Identified needs related to improving instructional programs and practices for English Language Learners 1. identified the stakeholders who were most Impacted 2. identified MCPS offices that would provide support, resources, or interventions 3. selected the most urgent needs to be addressed during 2006-2007 school year

7 We need to: identify students in ELL subgroup Identified instructional materials to address literacy needs of ESOL students at all levels Differentiate content instruction for ESOL students Assess our delivery of ESOL instruction to our students Current State

8 Staff Development Component Met with Team Leaders prior to school Dedication of Time Found research on NWEA website corroborating MAP-R test results with achievement on grade 3, 4, and 5 MSA’s Created Data Notebooks indicating “zones” Teachers ID students Next Steps Weekly meeting with Reading Specialist Energy of individual classes Moving students to higher “zone”

9 Staff Development Component

10 PDSA: A Framework Plan Act Do Study PDSA all the way! Plan Analyze the data collected from all stakeholders to determine the commonalities and trends. Do Implement goals/plan based upon the input from the survey. Study Review and finalize the draft goals/plan with all stakeholders. Act Develop mission, vision, and goal statements that define the interests of all stakeholders for the success of the local school.

11 Baldrige School Improvement Goals at Newport Mill Middle GOAL 1 Newport Mill Middle School will meet the Annual Measurable Objective on the Maryland State Assessment in all subgroups. GOAL 2 Newport Mill Middle School will evaluate and enhance the communication system between all stakeholders. GOAL 3 Newport Mill Middle School will continue to develop a sense of community between and within the school and families.

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