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Lab Assignment 1 Getting Started. Submitting the LABS for grading Subject line of email message: CTEC 110 WA Lab 1 Assignments Attachment file names:

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1 Lab Assignment 1 Getting Started

2 Submitting the LABS for grading Subject line of email message: CTEC 110 WA Lab 1 Assignments Attachment file names: DOS Lab 1-A, DOS Lab 1-B, DOS Lab 1-C, DOS Lab 1-D Inserted Textual First Line of “each” Lab Assignment: Name, CTEC 110 WA, DOS Lab 1-A Name, CTEC 110 WA, DOS Lab 1-B Name, CTEC 110 WA, DOS Lab 1-C Name, CTEC 110 WA, DOS Lab 1-D (Where Name is your first and last name such as: David Sims (Add one blank line after the first line for readability.) Lab 1 Assignments (9 slides)CTEC 1102

3 1-A Activity: The DIR Command 1.Start up a Command Prompt 2.Change to the USB drive letter (Z: ?) [NOTE: May need to use a different letter or change the drive assignment to Z] 3.Change to the “CTEC110” directory (cd ctec110) 4.Setup your USB drive (setupUSB z) 5.Follow the prompts to complete the setup… Lab 1 Assignments (9 slides)CTEC 1103

4 1-A Activity: The DIR Command 6.Setup the drives for use with (setdisks.bat z 4) 7.Follow the prompts to complete the setup… 8.Type N: 9.Type DIR 10.Snapshot the screen results and save. Lab 1 Assignments (9 slides)CTEC 1104

5 1-B Activity: Using the VER & CLS Command 1. Type CLS 2. Display the help for command CLS 3. Display the help for command VER 4. N: 5. CD \  Or => CD /d N:\ (Defaults drive and directory) 6. Type VER 7. Snapshot the screen results and save.

6 1-C Activity: The DIR Command with Wildcards 1.Clear the Command Prompt screen 2.Change to the root of the N: drive 3.Change to the DOS directory 4.Display all the files 5.Now display only the files that have the exe file name extension 6.Now display only those files that begin with “m” and have three more characters or less in the name with any extension

7 1-C Activity: The DIR Command with Wildcards 7.Display all the files where the file name ends in “e” and the extension is “exe”. 8.Display all the files where the file name contains the letter “o” and the extension is “exe”. 9.Display all the files where the file name contains the letter “o” with any extension. 10.Now display those files in file size order (largest to smallest) 11.Snapshot the screen results and save

8 1-D Activity: Using XCOPY Command 1.Clear the Command Prompt screen 2.Change to the root of the G: Drive 3.Display the help for XCOPY 4.Change to the root of the O: drive 5.Create a folder called “G-drive Backup” 6.Copy the contents of the “G drive” to the “G-drive Backup” directory including the subdirectories without listing each file

9 1-D Activity: Using XCOPY Command 7.Steps you may have taken… 8.Type CD /d O:\ 9.Type MD “G-Drive Backup” 10.Type XCOPY G:\*.* “G-Drive Backup” /S /Q 11.Now snapshot the screen results save 12.After you are satisfied with all the DOS Lab activity results email all the results to your instructor as one message with attachments.

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