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Week 1 Theatre I August 22 – 26, 2011 Teacher: JoAnn Benfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 1 Theatre I August 22 – 26, 2011 Teacher: JoAnn Benfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 1 Theatre I August 22 – 26, 2011 Teacher: JoAnn Benfield

2 Topics to Cover  Introductions  Syllabus/Expectations  Parent Letter  Self-Participation Rubric  Activity 1  Warm-Up  Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3  Wind-Down

3 Introductions  JoAnn Benfield  28 years old  2 nd year Teaching  I teach  English I  General English II  English II  Theatre I  I love  Music  Dancing  Food  Animals  Dragonflies  Looking forward to  A challenging year  A great group of students  Having a great Theatre 1 class year

4 Syllabus  Basic Information  Class Description  Required Text  Required Materials  Important Dates  Expectations  Assessment  Grading Policy

5 Parent Letter  Read independently  Required Materials  Please give it to your parents/guardian  If you lose it, EMAIL ME! I will email you a new letter.

6 Self Participation Rubric  You will be responsible for yourself in class.  Below is the Rubric you will fill out every time you come to class.

7 Activity 1  Three Truths and a Fib  You must write down three truths and one fib (untrue) thing about yourself.  You must make sure no one else knows any of these truths/fib because that takes away from the animosity of this game.  Then we will each share our 3 truths and a fib and determine which one is the fib.  Discuss: Why is this important for Theatre?

8 Daily Warm-Up  Move the furniture to the walls.  Get comfortable.  Have fun.  Follow the teacher.  PARTICIPATE.

9 Activity 1  Toilet Paper Tales:  Grab as many pieces from the roll as you want.  Get in a circle.  Follow the Teacher.  Discuss: How did this activity make you feel?

10 Activity 2  Actor Switch.  Choose a partner.  Start improvising a scene.  When the lights flash, new partners take over and continue the scene.  Continue this activity until the teacher says so.  PARTICIPATE  Discuss: What do you think is the purpose of this activity?

11 Activity 3  Airplane.  Each student will have a chance to be the Pilot.  The classroom will be set up with obstacles. The Pilot will be blindfolded. The Pilot MUST trust its classmates/passengers to lead them around the room. If the Pilot crashes into an object, a new Pilot will take over.  As a group you must create different signals to help the Pilot know to go left, right, up, down, etc..  PARTICIPATE  Discuss: What did it feel like being blindfolded? How was your trust level with your peers?

12 Daily Wind-Down  Get in a circle  Get comfortable  Follow the Teacher  PARTICIPATE  Fill out Participation Rubric

13 DON’T FORGET TO GIVE YOUR PARENT/S or Guardian/s the LETTER!! Have a Great Weekend!

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