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An Effective Mission Strategy Team for your church plancommunicate do Follow up report.

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1 An Effective Mission Strategy Team for your church plancommunicate do Follow up report

2 Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." The Guiding Principle

3 What Does the Bible Say? You shall have within you capability Following the time that the Holy Spirit is over you Then you will be witnesses of Jesus –In Jerusalem –In Judea –In Samaria –To the fartherest part of the earth

4 First order of business Coming under the control of the Holy Spirit –The church would recognize and confess the connection of the control of the Holy Spirit and the mission strategy. –The church would commit to a season of focus on Spiritual Formation A set time period for intentional prayer A set time period to rediscover the yielded life

5 Four Focal Points JerusalemJudeaSamaria Uttermost part

6 Where is that? Jerusalem – Close and you know them well Judea – close, you don’t know them so well Samaria – close or far, but you don’t like them very much Uttermost - Someone you are not likely to ever see or know personally

7 Components of a strategy One – Prayer for each of the specific geographical areas Two - Education about each of the specific geographical areas Three - Engaging People in activity in each of the specific geographical areas Four - Financially partnering in each of the specific geographic areas

8 Specifics of a Strategy Church to enlist a Mission Strategy Team Setting time frame plans (1 year, 5 years) –In each of the four specific geographical areas What will we lead our congregation to pray about? What information, and in what manner, will we give the congregation about the area and how it can be served with the gospel? Who from our congregation will go to the specific region in this time frame? How much and to whom will we financially partner for the support of ongoing Gospel work in each specific region?

9 HOW CAN SRBA ASSIST? One – Offer guidance to form a Missions Strategy Team Two – Train the Team Three – Make any needed resources available Four – Serve as a broker to help the Team with partnerships and opportunities Five – Partner churches to increase opportunities as needed

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