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The Pope is a central figure in World Religion. He is: the leader of the Roman Catholic Faith across the world the Bishop of Rome the successor of St.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pope is a central figure in World Religion. He is: the leader of the Roman Catholic Faith across the world the Bishop of Rome the successor of St."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Pope is a central figure in World Religion. He is: the leader of the Roman Catholic Faith across the world the Bishop of Rome the successor of St. Peter John Paul IJohn Paul IIPaul VIJohn XXIII

3 Pope (Supreme Pontiff) The College of Cardinals All of the Catholic priests

4 The Pope lives in the Vatican City in Rome. This is the smallest independent state in the World. Although it is in the Italian capital city of Rome, it is independent of Italy and the Pope has overall rule of this city. The flag of the Vatican City Population: 911 Size: 0.44 square kilometre Currency: Euro





9 When a Pope dies, a number of things happen. 1.Senior Cardinals must meet to agree that the Pope has died. His death certificate is drawn up immediately. 2.The Pope’s study and bedroom is immediately cleared of all personal possessions and is then sealed. 3.The official ring and seal of the Pope is immediately destroyed. 4.The Cardinal Vicar of Rome informs the people and all Cardinals present must swear an oath. 5.The Roman Catholic church morn the death of a Pope for 9 days in line with scripture. 6.The Pope is then buried, usually in the Basilica.


11 To elect a new Pope, there are several stages. 1.All of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church meet in Rome (unless they are over 80). There must be no more than 120 Cardinals involved in the vote.


13 To elect a new Pope, there are several stages. 1.All of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church meet in Rome (unless they are over 80). There must be at least 120 Cardinals involved in the vote. 2.The cardinals all take place in a public mass to ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit.

14 To elect a new Pope, there are several stages. 1.All of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church meet in Rome (unless they are over 80). There must be at least 120 Cardinals involved in the vote. 2.The cardinals all take place in a public mass to ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. 3.The Senior Cardinal issues the order Extra Omnes and all not involved in the election process have to leave.

15 To elect a new Pope, there are several stages. 1.All of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church meet in Rome (unless they are over 80). There must be at least 120 Cardinals involved in the vote. 2.The cardinals all take place in a public mass to ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. 3.The Senior Cardinal issues the order Extra Omnes and all not involved in the election process have to leave. 4.The doors are then sealed shut and the CONCLAVE starts.

16 This is the voting slip used to elect a new Pope. Each Cardinal will try to disguise their writing when they print the name of their choice. They fold the card in half making it one inch wide. The words on the top mean “I elect as supreme pontiff”.

17 This slide shows you how long it normally takes to elect a Pope in modern times. In the past, it has lasted up to 2 and a half years!

18 All votes cast in the election are secret and must be destroyed immediately. They are burnt in the small stove that is located in the Sistine chapel. The colour of the smoke that comes from the chimney is what people watch for.


20 If the smoke from the chimney is white, a new Pope has been elected. The great bells of St. Peter will also ring. If the smoke from the chimney is black, another vote is needed.

21 Once the new Pope has been elected, the chief Cardinal will come onto the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica and proclaim “Habemus Papam”.

22 This is the current Pope, elected on the 19 th April 2005. He was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and has chosen to be known as Pope Benedict XVI.

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