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Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Business Resource Center Team Dynamics Workshop.

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1 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Business Resource Center Team Dynamics Workshop

2 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Workshop Goals How do YOU behave in groups? The group contract –Processes –Expectations –Consequences High performance teams Next steps

3 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 How do YOU behave? Task behaviors: –keep group on task, relate to goals Maintenance behaviors: –keep group functioning smoothly Self-oriented behaviors: –self-focused rather than group-focused

4 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 What are “Task” Behaviors? Check those that you do. Getting things going Contributing Asking for info; giving info Clarifying Summarizing the group’s thinking Offering an opinion or evaluation Checking for group agreement Helping to keep the project moving

5 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 What are “Maintenance” Behaviors? Check those that you do. Encouraging people to contribute Gate-keeping: making sure all get heard, not cut off Helping people get along Making observations about how things are going Keeping things light – reducing tension

6 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 What are “Self Oriented” Behaviors? Check those that you do. Being passive; not contributing Withdrawing Playing “poor me” (sympathy-seeking) Rejecting most ideas (except your own) Being late Not fully engaged; distracted by cell, friends nearby Talking about yourself most of the time Talking over others repeatedly Monopolizing or dominating

7 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Group Contract Processes –Decide on 2 2-hour meeting times and places –Put the times and places in your calendar showing your commitment –Immediate communication with the group –Be on time –Turn off cell phone, other devices –Focus on group only, not nearby distractions Expectations Consequences

8 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Group Contract Processes Expectations for quality work –All project issues addressed –All work spell- and grammar-checked –Topic sentences –No slang –Research citations –Others?? Consequences

9 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 How to Cite References BookBaxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education. Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall. Journal ArticleRoy, A. (1982). Suicide in chronic schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 171-177. Personal InterviewName and title of person, place, date and time of interview, topic of interview, team members in attendance. ElectronicDunbar, C. (2004, November 29). Aging in place gracefully. Nursing Spectrum. Retrieved December 2, 2004, from article.cfm?AID=13219

10 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 How to Cite References Government Report obtained on-line U.S. Public Health Service. (2000). Report of the surgeon general's conference on children's mental health. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health. Retrieved on August 25, 2001, from

11 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Group Contract Processes Expectations Consequences –Addressing group problems Don’t ignore problems Involve all members Seek assistance –What are appropriate consequences?

12 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Consequences Unprepared Late Missing Meetings “Firing” a group member

13 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Commitment Use of a formal contract Commitment to the group and the project

14 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 What High Performing Teams Have High standards Clear purpose Commitment Competence Clear goals High trust Good conflict management skills Belief in success Relationships with outside sources Effective leadership

15 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Some Helpful Hints!! Set a regular weekly meeting time Make a group production schedule of what to do by when Keep a log of group meetings For written projects, revise as you go along

16 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 2800 Communication Resource Center Room - Daniels 181 303-871-3211

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