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WESTAR National Air Monitoring Steering Committee Update Spring Business Meeting 2010 Denver, CO Bruce Louks, Idaho DEQ.

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Presentation on theme: "WESTAR National Air Monitoring Steering Committee Update Spring Business Meeting 2010 Denver, CO Bruce Louks, Idaho DEQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 WESTAR National Air Monitoring Steering Committee Update Spring Business Meeting 2010 Denver, CO Bruce Louks, Idaho DEQ

2 NAAQS – Monitoring Update  NO2 – Final rule Near – road monitoring population threshold changed to 500,000. Near – road monitoring population threshold changed to 500,000. Site criteria for near-road monitoring based on AADT, fleet mix, roadway design, congestion patterns, terrain, meteorology. Site criteria for near-road monitoring based on AADT, fleet mix, roadway design, congestion patterns, terrain, meteorology. EPA will provide site development guidance and would like input from monitoring organizations. EPA will provide site development guidance and would like input from monitoring organizations. 40 additional sites dedicated to susceptible and vulnerable populations; subject to EPA Regional Administrator approval. 40 additional sites dedicated to susceptible and vulnerable populations; subject to EPA Regional Administrator approval. Sites identified in July 1, 2012 network plans. Sites identified in July 1, 2012 network plans. Monitoring begins January 1, 2013. Monitoring begins January 1, 2013.

3 NAAQS – Monitoring Update  Pb – rule pending, comments closed February 2010, final in fall 2010. Source – oriented monitoring schedule Source – oriented monitoring schedule > 1 tpy monitors already in place> 1 tpy monitors already in place > 0.5 tpy monitors one year from promulgation (fall 2011).> 0.5 tpy monitors one year from promulgation (fall 2011). NCore monitors beginning Janurary 1, 2011. NCore monitors beginning Janurary 1, 2011. Pb monitoring plans included in July 1, 2010 network plan. Pb monitoring plans included in July 1, 2010 network plan. EPA seeking national contract for laboratory analysis. EPA seeking national contract for laboratory analysis. EPA plans to develop more generic FEMs to relieve burden on S& L’s to develop their own. EPA plans to develop more generic FEMs to relieve burden on S& L’s to develop their own.

4 NAAQS – Monitoring Update  O3 – rule pending; final in August 2010. CBSAs 50,000 to 350,00 require monitoring. CBSAs 50,000 to 350,00 require monitoring. In each state, 3 non-urban monitors In each state, 3 non-urban monitors Micropolitan (10,000 – 50,000) statistical areaMicropolitan (10,000 – 50,000) statistical area far-downwind transport zones of currently well-monitored urban areas federal, state, or Tribal lands, including wilderness areas that have ozone-sensitive natural vegetation and/or ecosystems Monitoring begins January 1, 2012 (could be delayed, or phased in over 2 years). Monitoring plans due July 1, 2011. EPA will re-evaluate monitoring seasons using 2006-2008 data. NACAA and WESTAR comments have been submitted.

5 NAAQS – Monitoring Update  SO2 – pending; final in June, 2010. Comments closed February, 2010. Population weighted exposure index thresholds (PWEI) determine number of monitors required in CBSAs. Monitors located in maximum source-impact areas, based on modeling. PWEI can be updated after 2009 NEI available. Burden is on states to ensure accuracy of NEI data. Population weighted exposure index thresholds (PWEI) determine number of monitors required in CBSAs. Monitors located in maximum source-impact areas, based on modeling. PWEI can be updated after 2009 NEI available. Burden is on states to ensure accuracy of NEI data. Additional monitors based on that state’s contribution to national SO2 emissions; minimum of one. States will determine the specific location of these monitors within state boundaries (which can be inside or outside of CBSAs), with EPA approval. Monitoring begins January 1, 2013. Monitoring plans in July 1, 2012 network plans.

6 NAAQS – Monitoring Update  CO – NPRM due October, 2010. Likely to be near-roadway component. Likely to be near-roadway component. Issue with number of historical monitors supporting SIPS/maintenance plans. Issue with number of historical monitors supporting SIPS/maintenance plans.  PM – Draft Policy Assessment released March, 2010. ANPR expected November 2010. Consideration to secondary standard to address “visibility impairment”. This would most likely be a short-term (1 -3 hour) indicator of PM mass or light extinction (nephelometer). Consideration to secondary standard to address “visibility impairment”. This would most likely be a short-term (1 -3 hour) indicator of PM mass or light extinction (nephelometer).

7 Air Toxics  Issue with quality of acrolein data School Air Toxics (SAT) data will be invalidated due to QA issues. Data will be flagged, not null coded. School Air Toxics (SAT) data will be invalidated due to QA issues. Data will be flagged, not null coded. EPA and Steering Committee working on solution for acrolein data in AQS (including NATTS). EPA and Steering Committee working on solution for acrolein data in AQS (including NATTS). EPA’s ORD working on laboratory and collection method issues. EPA’s ORD working on laboratory and collection method issues.  NACAA and EPA will begin discussion for process whereby monitoring organizations may opt out of NATTS monitoring requirements for certain compounds or classes of compounds.  EPA forming committee to scope assessment of NATTS monitoring network. NACAA has representative on the committee. First meeting scheduled for February, 2010.  Community Scale Air Toxics grants proposed to resume in FY11. Priority may be granted to outcome-oriented projects (community programs, EJ, children’s health).

8 Funding Issues  White House FY11 proposed budget adds $82.5M for STAG grants, of which: $42M for core workload $42M for core workload $15M (§103) for mandated monitoring - capital costs $15M (§103) for mandated monitoring - capital costs $15M is well short of estimated $80-100M needed to implement new and anticipated monitoring requirements.$15M is well short of estimated $80-100M needed to implement new and anticipated monitoring requirements. Question: Can $42M “core workload” funds can be used for operations and maintenance of ambient air monitoring systems?Question: Can $42M “core workload” funds can be used for operations and maintenance of ambient air monitoring systems?  Phase-out of §103 PM monitoring funds ($42.5M) will occur over four years, beginning FY11 – annual increments (percentages) not yet determined. Funds transitioned to §105. Funds transitioned to §105. Raises issues with additional “match” requirements during a period where monitoring organizations are struggling with budgets. Raises issues with additional “match” requirements during a period where monitoring organizations are struggling with budgets. However, additional matching funds will increase monitoring funds. However, additional matching funds will increase monitoring funds.

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