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New Practical English 2 Trying Your Hand Applied Writing Sentence Writing Unit Seven.

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2 New Practical English 2 Trying Your Hand Applied Writing Sentence Writing Unit Seven

3 New Practical English 2 Applied Writing Read and Simulate Simulate and Create

4 New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 1. Read the following two samples of farewell letters and learn to write your own. July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close friendship over the last few years, I am personally very sad to see you leave China. I hope we shall keep in touch as you resume your work at your new post. With very good wishes for the future and thanks for what you have done for us. Yours sincerely, Li Li

5 New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate Reference August 12, 2007 Dear Mr. Johnson, As you prepare to return to Oxford for your PhD degree, I take the greatest pleasure of sending to you, on behalf of all members of this organization and in my own name, our good wishes for the future. I must also express our thanks to you for the personal interest you have shown in our affairs over the past years. Sincerely, Wang Yupeng

6 New Practical English 2 Simulate and Create 2. Write a farewell letter according to the information given in Chinese. 写 信 人:艾沃力恩 (Evelyne) 写信时间: 2007. 4. 8 国 籍:瑞士 写信的目的:回国时间已到,向朋友道别;感谢 ABC 公 司对他的帮助和与之结下的友情。在中国呆 了 6 年;非常喜欢这里的生活。尤其喜欢网 球小组和自行车小组活动。希望女士们锻 炼身体以保持饱满的精力。欢迎各位朋友 到瑞士。 电子邮件联系地址: Reference

7 New Practical English 2 Simulate and Create 3. Translate the following letter of farewell into Chinese, using the Data Bank in the Workbook for reference when necessary. Reference December 17th, 2002 Dear Students, As most of you have probably realized, I am no longer working at the dean’s office. December 14th was my last day at North Seattle Community College. On December 15th, I moved to Vancouver, to be closer to my family. I had wonderful experience working with you at North and I hope I get the chance to work with international students again sometime. Again, I miss you all and I wish the best for each one of you. Faithfully yours, Carol

8 New Practical English 2 Sentence Writing Write through Applying Grammar Rules Write through Correcting Mistakes Write through Translating Write through Describing a Picture 强调,省略 和倒装

9 New Practical English 2 1.The students in Class One are having English lessons and the students in Class Two are having Chinese lessons. 2. I thank you for your help. Write through Applying Grammar Rules Leave out the words that can be omitted in the following sentences. The students in Class One are having English lessons and those in Class Two Chinese. Thank you for your help.

10 New Practical English 2 5. Have you got the book or haven’t you got it? 6. The boy looked as if he were afraid of nothing. Write through Applying Grammar Rules Have you got the book or not? The boy looked as if afraid of nothing.

11 New Practical English 2 3. There is a map of China in Room 201 and there is a map of the World in Room 202. 4. He is not only a good designer, but he is also a good manufacturer. Write through Applying Grammar Rules There is a map of China in Room 201 and a map of the World in Room 202. He is not only a good designer, but also a good manufacturer.

12 New Practical English 2 7. I wish you a wonderful weekend. 8. Would you come to join us? --- I’d love to do so. Write through Applying Grammar Rules Wish you a wonderful weekend. Would you come to join us? --- I’d love to.

13 New Practical English 2 9. When will you graduate? --- I’ll graduate in about 5 months. 10. While they were working in the factory, the students learnt a lot from the workers. Write through Applying Grammar Rules When will you graduate? --- In about 5 months. While working in the factory, the students learnt a lot from the workers.

14 New Practical English 2 Write through Correcting Mistakes Correct the mistakes in the following sentences, paying attention to emphasis and inversion. 1. It was in the classroom which we had class meeting yesterday. 2. It is to help others what his duty is. It was in the classroom that we had class meeting yesterday. It is to help others that his duty is.

15 New Practical English 2 Write through Correcting Mistakes 3. It was until he told me about it that I learnt the truth. 4. Li Ming takes an active part in social work. --- So each of us does. It was not until he told me about it that I learnt the truth. Li Ming takes an active part in social work. --- So does each of us.

16 New Practical English 2 Write through Correcting Mistakes 5. Hardly I thought it possible. Hardly did I think it possible. 6. No sooner he had entered the room than the telephone rang. No sooner had he entered the room than the telephone rang.

17 New Practical English 2 Write through Correcting Mistakes 7. Little they realized that they had made a great discovery in chemistry. Little did they realize that they had made a great discovery in chemistry. 8. You had asked me, I would have given you the answer. Had you asked me, I would have given you the answer.

18 New Practical English 2 Write through Correcting Mistakes 9. He can’t explain all this. --- Neither I can’t. 10. Rarely we have seen a person with such bad temper. He can’t explain all this. --- Neither can I. Rarely have we seen a person with such bad temper.

19 New Practical English 2 1. 是她建议我们去图书馆的。 2. 直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了。 It was she who/that suggested we go to the library. It was not until dark that I realized it was too late to visit him. Write through Translating Translate the sentences into English, using emphasis and inversion.

20 New Practical English 2 3. 你们昨天工作得确实很苦。 4. 我是在上周接到通知的。 You did work very hard yesterday. It was last week that I got the notice. Write through Translating

21 New Practical English 2 5. 我们的英语老师送给我的是这本字典。 6. 我一生中从未听说过这么奇怪的事情。 It was this dictionary that our English teacher gave me. Never have I heard such a strange thing in my life. Write through Translating

22 New Practical English 2 7. 只有当你亲自去做时,才能明白这项工作是多么艰苦。 8. 他不但答应帮助我们,而且还要借钱给我们。 Only when you do it yourself can you understand how hard the work is. Not only did he promise to help us, but he also wanted to lend us some money. Write through Translating

23 New Practical English 2 Write through Describing a Picture Write a passage of about 100 words to describe the picture. Some useful words and phrases are provided in the textbook to help you. Your passage may begin with “Fellow graduates”. Reference Occasion:Graduation Party Speaker:Representative of students Content of the Farewell speech:day of graduation mark the end of studies and the beginning of a new life feel happy full of enthusiasm for the future feeling of sadness last time to be together gratitude: grateful to the teachers for patience and care always remember the day wish for good luck and success to...

24 New Practical English 2 Fellow graduates, This is the day of our graduation. This is the day to mark the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. We are supposed to feel happy on a day like this, and we are supposed to be full of enthusiasm for the future. There is a great feeling of sadness among us today as we realize this is the last time that we have been together as members of this school. However, the thing we feel most is gratitude. We are grateful to all the teachers for their patience and care for us. We will always remember this day, and we will remember each other. Whatever we do in the future, may good luck and success be with us all. Reference

25 New Practical English 2 Reference December 10, 2007 Dear Mr. Wang Our visit to China is drawing to a close and we are leaving for America shortly. On the eve of our departure, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to write you to express our appreciation of the hospitality you showed to us and the time you spent with us during my stay at your university. With every good wish for the future. Robert Gates

26 New Practical English 2 April 8, 2007 Dear friends, I would like to say good-bye to all of you. After 6 years in China, it’s time for me to return to Switzerland. I enjoyed very much the life here and appreciated the friendship I found in ABC Co. was a great help and I specially enjoyed the activities of the tennis team and the bicycle team. Ladies, keep fit to be in good spirits! If anybody comes to Switzerland, you can contact me at: Wish you all the best. Faithfully yours, Evelyne Reference

27 New Practical English 2 Reference 亲爱的学生们: 也许你们大多数人已经知道,我已不在系主任办公室工 作。 12 月 14 日是我在北西雅图社区学院的最后一个工作日。 12 月 15 日我搬到温哥华,为了离家更近一些。 在北西雅图社区学院我和大家合作得非常愉快,我希望 以后还有机会同外国学生合作。再说一遍,我很想念大家,希望 各位一切都好。 卡诺尔谨启 2007 年 12 月 17 日

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