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Class of 2014 Registration. Class Registration Required courses for sophomores: English 2 Science Health Drivers Education if not taken yet or taking.

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2014 Registration. Class Registration Required courses for sophomores: English 2 Science Health Drivers Education if not taken yet or taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2014 Registration

2 Class Registration Required courses for sophomores: English 2 Science Health Drivers Education if not taken yet or taking this summer PE

3 Two term classes will now meet every day all year for 50 minutes One term classes will meet half the year (a semester) every day for 50 minutes You will have seven classes every day You will need 23 credits to graduate not 29

4 Should have passed as a freshman: English 1 Math Earth Systems 2 terms of PE (1 term if in Dr. Ed. this year) Keyboarding Speech Global Studies 8 credits total

5 Four-year colleges require: 4 years of English 3 years of math at least up to Alg. 2 3 years of science 3 years of social studies 2 years of foreign language or fine arts

6 Options to select: Check box English 2 either R, CP, or H English Electives: World Literature Creative Writing Publications/Yearbook (See Mrs. Gugerty)

7 Math Options Current MathNext YearGrade needed this year 4 term Alg.Integrated mathB, C, D 4 term Alg.GeometryA 3 term Alg.GeometryA, B, C, D 3 term Alg.Integrated mathTeacher rec. Algebra 1 HGeometry HA, B Algebra 1 HGeometryC, D Geometry HAlgebra 2 HA, B Geometry HAlgebra 2C, D

8 Science Options Earth Systems - Regular - Take Biology (Your science teacher will recommend you for honors) You can write on the form you are interested in honors. Earth Systems - Basic - Take Life Science

9 Social Studies Optional Social Studies is not required as a sophomore Western Civilization is recommended if you are thinking of a four-year college Western Civilization H for students in Global Studies Honors World Cultures – another elective option

10 PE/Health/Drivers Ed. Check Health - it is required (It may be moved to grade 11 – see your counselor) Driver’s Ed. Classroom next year Birthdates (06/01/96 to 02/29/97) (Classroom 9 weeks/PE 9 weeks) Check the 4061-64 box Behind the wheel Birthdates (03/01/96 to 09/30/96) Behind the Wheel will NOT show up on schedule - you usually drive out of PE or Study Hall

11 PE/Drivers Education Cont.. If you have Driver’s Ed. classroom this year or will take in the summer - you will take 1 semester of PE next year. (Check the 4011/12 Box) Summer Driver’s Ed classroom (Birth date 03/01/96 to 05/31/96) Summer Behind the Wheel (Birth date 09/01/95 to 02/29/96) Letters will be mailed in March with information about times and dates. List your birth date on the form. If you have band all year – you will not have to take PE – circle PE Exemption

12 Drivers Ed. You must pass at least 8 classes from the previous 2 semesters to be eligible to take Drivers Education.

13 Electives ArtMusicLang.BusinessFCS (Only 1) Ind. Arts Art 1BandSpanish 1Word Pros. 2 Child Develop. Communication Tech. Art 2ChoirSpanish 2Sports Mktg & Entert. Fashion Design 1 Drafting and/or Arch. Drafting Art 3Hist. of Rock/Roll Spanish 3Account 1Fash. Des 2Home Imp. Ceramics 1Music Experienc e Tech. Apps.Foods 1Metals. Ceramics 2Keyboard/ Music Foods 2Adv. Metals 1 Ceramics 3Foods 3Adv. Metals 2 *Intro. to Visual Art Woods Const. 1 *new 1 sem. class Trans & Power Tech

14 Foreign Language Placement Exam Check box if you have not taken a Foreign Language in high school AND have previous Foreign Language experience such as: * Foreign Language spoken at home * Foreign Language taken in junior high You will be offered a Foreign Language Placement Exam and may be offered the opportunity to skip a level.

15 College Foreign Language Requirements UniversityAdmissionGraduation Eastern Illinois UniversityNot requiredAll programs- 2 semesters of college language (can be met with 2 years of high school language) Illinois State University2 years of same language or 2 years of fine arts College of Arts/Science – 2 semesters of college language (can be met by 3 years high school) Bachelor of Arts – 3 semesters of college language (can be met by proficiency test) Northern Illinois University2 years same language or combination of language, art or music Bachelor of Arts – 2 years at the college level (can be met by 4 years of high school) Southern Illinois University – Carbondale & Edwardsville Not requiredCollege of Liberal Arts – one year of college (can be met by proficiency exam) University of Illinois – Urbana 2 years of same language College of Business & Liberal Arts and Sciences – up to the 4 th college level (can be met by 4 years of high school language) All other colleges – up to the 3 rd level (can be met by 3 years of high school language) University of Illinois - Chicago 2 years of one languageCollege of Business & College of Architecture – 2 semesters at college level (can be met by 2 years of high school) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – 4 semesters at college level (met by placement test) Private and Out-of-state Universities Varies (usually 2 years)Varies by major

16 Study Hall You may select to have a study hall for one period during the day. You can have a study hall one semester or all year. You do not get a credit for study hall You can select an elective class instead of a study hall.

17 The Extras Check box if you are interested in an Early Bird class which will run from 7:00-7:50 a.m. (You will need to provide your own transportation). Check 8 classes on your registration form. Check the box if you are interested in taking a summer class this summer and list the class. Details will follow for both options.

18 Registration Summary Should have selected English, Math, Science, Health, PE or Drivers Education and possibility Social Science Select Electives from any of the following: Fine Arts, Language, Business, Family and Consumer Sciences, Industrial Arts or study hall. The total of scheduling values will equal 7! (Eight classes if you are interested in the Early Bird option) Write down two other options under Alternatives that you did not circle. You may use the notes spot to write any comments for your counselor. Have one of your parents sign the registration sheet before you turn it in.

19 Due Date These forms will be collect the next week from your counselor out of your English class. If you do not have English, they will be collected in February out of your English class. Talk to your parents and teachers on options. You will be mailed your course list in March. Make sure the list is correct. Choose wisely! The master schedule is arranged by your choices. Changing is difficult once the schedule is made. Course descriptions from the curriculum guide are on the webpage under the Guidance section. Join the Morris Community High School Guidance group on Facebook to stay up-to-date.

20 Pick up for English Term 2 Mr. Kein – Monday, Dec. 6 Ms. Costello – Tuesday, Dec. 7 Mrs. Locke – Wednesday, Dec. 8 Ms. Bamonte – Thursday, Dec. 9 Ms. Struck – Friday, Dec. 10 Ms. Barr – Friday, Dec. 10 Mr. Courter – Friday, Dec. 10 Remember to bring your completed registration sheet!

21 Pick up for English Term 3 Mr. Courter – Friday, Feb. 1 Ms. Costello – Monday, Feb. 7 Mrs. Locke – Tuesday, Feb. 8 Ms. Struck – Tuesday, Feb. 8 Ms. Bamonte – Wednesday, Feb. 9 Mr. Kein – Thursday, Feb. 10 Ms. Barr – Friday, Feb. 11 Mrs. Gustafson – Monday, Feb. 14 Hang on to your completed registration sheet!

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