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HEALTH PROMOTION-HYGIENE - Promote independence in care -bowel and bladder training -exercises: Kegel Pelvic muscle -diet -medications: ditropan detrol.

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3 HEALTH PROMOTION-HYGIENE - Promote independence in care -bowel and bladder training -exercises: Kegel Pelvic muscle -diet -medications: ditropan detrol

4 HEALTH PROMOTION-ACTIVITY Regular exercise: promotes & maintains health Types of exercise: resistance aerobic swimming performing ADL’s

5 HEALTH PROMOTION-SAFETY Home environment: modifications to the home -handrails -avoid scatter rugs -adequate lighting Driving safety: MVA most common cause of injury related deaths (between 65-74 yrs of age) Medications Hospital environment

6 HEALTH PROMOTION-OXYGENATION Avoid smoking Moderate exercise Vaccinations: Influenza Pneumococcal

7 HEALTH PROMOTION-NUTRITION Promote proper nutrition: dietary fat complex carbs, fiber, fruits & vegetables Supplemental vitamins Food assistance: Meals on Wheels Senior Centers Food Banks Food Stamps

8 HEALTH PROMOTION-ELIMINATION Promoting proper diet Promoting exercise Bowel and Bladder training Pharmacological measures: Stool softeners Various laxatives -stimulant -saline -bulk forming

9 HEALTH PROMOTION-REST & SLEEP Provide restful environment Maintain scheduled routines Pharmacologic measures: OTC Restoril Ambien

10 HEALTH PROMOTION-PSYCHOSOCIAL Keep active: belong to a community Manage stress through coping mechanisms Maintain a positive outlook on life Reminisce about your life

11 HEALTH PROMOTION-HUMAN SEXUALITY Monitoring side effects of meds Maintaining positive mental attitude Keeping physically active

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