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4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 1 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Status of BEPCII Storage Rings Ma Li April 26, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 1 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Status of BEPCII Storage Rings Ma Li April 26, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 1 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Status of BEPCII Storage Rings Ma Li April 26, 2006

2 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 2 - April 26 - 28, 2006 SRF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

3 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 3 - April 26 - 28, 2006 SRF System  2 superconducting RF cavities  #2 cavity assembly has been completed in the last month and moved into the test station. Input coupler aging and horizontal high-power test of the cavity will be performed soon.  #1 cavity assembly is carrying on at present.  The crack on the ferrite surface of one HOM damper SBP-2 has been found in December 2005. At least 6-7 months is needed to fabricate a new damper. To keep the cavity assembly on schedule, we borrowed a damper from KEK.  2 klystrons and power supplies Klystrons and power supplies have been installed and passed the acceptance tests in December 2004 and January 2006, respectively.  Low-level RF control system Assembly is in progress.  Cryogenic system Cryogenic system for SRF with the dummy load has been tested. Control accuracy of pressure, LHe level satisfies the requirement.

4 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 4 - April 26 - 28, 2006 bakeout HOM damper clean room HOM damper

5 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 5 - April 26 - 28, 2006 #2 cavity in test station LHe lines Waveguide and doorknob

6 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 6 - April 26 - 28, 2006 installation and test the second klystron and power supply

7 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 7 - April 26 - 28, 2006 wiring and commissioning of LLRF

8 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 8 - April 26 - 28, 2006 test of cryogenic system for SRF with dummy load valve box 2000L control dewar pressure curve dummy load

9 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 9 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

10 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 10 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Magnet System  95% of the ring magnets has been fabricated and field measured  48 dipoles (67B)  44 old dipoles (70B), field measurement only  88 quads (105Q)  28 old quads (110Q), coil modification  6 old quads (160Q), field measurement only  72 sextupoles (130S)  48 vertical dipole correctors  4 injection kickers  2 wigglers, one is repaired in-vacuum PM wiggler  Following magnets are still in fabrication  1 quad, for SR mode only  8 skew quads  6 special dipole correctors

11 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 11 - April 26 - 28, 2006 injection kicker magnets and power supplies in test discharge circuitcontroller kicker HV PS

12 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 12 - April 26 - 28, 2006 new PM wiggler 1W2

13 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 13 - April 26 - 28, 2006 4W2 in-vacuum PM wiggler  We had a problem of demagnetization for the in-vacuum PM wiggler. The field is reduced by 30% after nearly 3-year operation in the BEPC storage ring. Study shows that the reason might be the heating caused by HOM and SR. There was no water cooling applied.  The old wiggler has been repaired and upgraded.  New NdFeB blocks with demagnetization temperature of 180ºC is used.  Water cooling will be used during the operation and the experiment of the cooling effect has been performed.  A movable beam chamber has been added to reduce the impedance for the colliding mode.  The upgraded 4W2 has been installed into the ring tunnel at present.

14 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 14 - April 26 - 28, 2006 demagnetized in-vacuum PM wiggler 4W2 burn here

15 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 15 - April 26 - 28, 2006 repaired in-vacuum PM wiggler 4W2 movable chamber

16 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 16 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

17 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 17 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Power Supply System Power supplyQtyAmpsVoltsStatus OB2 1050 170installed IB2950310 105Q12820065installed 130S36 20055installed BT60  25 20delivered BV, BH84  40 26 ISPB114501003 IR special magnet PS Q1a11750116in fabrication and to be delivered in June Q1b11400176 Q2, Q3850040installed 110Q657016 AS1213801416 superconducting magnet PS AS2, AS3, SVCB, SKQ10  65  12 installed and commissioning underway SCQ, SCB46008

18 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 18 - April 26 - 28, 2006 assembly and commissioning superconducting magnet PS install B, Q, S-magnet power supplies of rings

19 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 19 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

20 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 20 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Vacuum System  80 arc chambers all delivered  120 straight section chambers 48 (about 40%) is complete. Expect all will be delivered in May.  TiN coating for e + ring chambers Coating for arc chambers has been completed. Coating for straight section chambers is underway. Measurement results show that maximum SEY are 1.6-1.9.  175 discrete photon absorbers 129 (73.7%) complete  180 RF shielded bellows all delivered  vacuum valves, pumping and monitoring devices all delivered

21 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 21 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Arc chamber distortion  We found an arc chamber problem in October of last year, when ¾ of the chambers were completed and 24 of 80 chambers were pre- assembled.  The baking temperature is required below 150ºC. The vendor overheated during the bakeout, causing the chambers to be depressed by as much as over 10 mm. This closes the 15 mm high anti-chamber gap and blocks the SR.  The simulation has been made and the height of anti-chamber gap of minimum 10 mm is decided. We measured all 80 arc chambers and found 20 have to be fixed.  Several methods were tested to recover the chamber distortion and two of them have been used finally.  Fill the gas N 2 into the chamber to 3.8 atm to pump back the chamber dimension. (for small distortion)  Pull outward and distort the chamber locally. (for large distortion)

22 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 22 - April 26 - 28, 2006 BEPC chamber depressed BEPCII chamber distortion here

23 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 23 - April 26 - 28, 2006 filling compressed gas N 2 gas N 2 input

24 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 24 - April 26 - 28, 2006 pulling outward jack tooling block jack

25 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 25 - April 26 - 28, 2006 max. distortions before and after corrections From here bakeout temp. was asked to be lower than 120ºC. (date of delivery)

26 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 26 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

27 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 27 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Control System  Device control Development of hardware and software of control system for PS, vacuum, SRF, cryogenics, etc has been completed. Main tasks of the next step are installation and commissioning.  Timing system Event timing system has been setup and provides trigger signals to the linac.  Server computer and network Installed  Accelerator high-level applications Optics, COD correction, iBump, transport line, etc. nearly complete  Interlock and machine protection system in progress

28 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 28 - April 26 - 28, 2006 installation and commissioning for PS control system

29 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 29 - April 26 - 28, 2006 event timing system

30 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 30 - April 26 - 28, 2006 commissioning cryogenic control system

31 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 31 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

32 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 32 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Beam Instrumentation System  134 beam position monitors all arc chamber BPM complete  2 bunch current monitors hardware delivered, software development in progress  2 tune measurement system components ordered  150 beam loss monitors processing electronics in fabrication.  2 DC current monitors ready for installation  2 synchrotron light monitors ready for installation  2 transverse bunch-by-bunch feedback prototype electronics tested in BEPC one of the two 4-strip kickers delivered and tested

33 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 33 - April 26 - 28, 2006 SLM BPM button

34 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 34 - April 26 - 28, 2006 transverse bunch-by-bunch feedback system feedback offfeedback on sideband prototype

35 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 35 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

36 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 36 - April 26 - 28, 2006 IR System  2 superconducting IR magnets delivered and installed  2 septum bending magnets (ISPB) delivered and field measured  4 two-aperture quads (Q1) delivered and field measured  8 slim quads (Q2, Q3) in fabrication  12 dipole correctors in fabrication  IR vacuum chambers in fabrication, expect to be complete in May

37 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 37 - April 26 - 28, 2006 install superconducting IR magnets SC wires

38 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 38 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

39 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 39 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Pre-assembly and Installation  The pre-assembly and pre-alignment on magnet/chamber rafts restarted at the beginning of last December after one-month interruption caused by the arc chamber problem.  Now 50 (59.5%) rafts have been completed. All 84 rafts will be completed in the early July according to the updated schedule.  The installation of the first magnet raft has started on March 2. 29 (34.5%) have been located since then.  A traveler (inspection sheet) is designed for QA. This traveler includes pertinent pre-assembly records and inspection results.  The procedure for the combined commissioning of magnet, PS and control systems has been established. The step-by-step inspection will be performed before the commissioning.

40 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 40 - April 26 - 28, 2006 50 rafts pre-assembled 29 rafts installed

41 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 41 - April 26 - 28, 2006 traveler of pre-assembly signatures

42 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 42 - April 26 - 28, 2006 procedure for inspection and combined commissioning of magnet, PS and control systems

43 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 43 - April 26 - 28, 2006 dismantling of old ring components

44 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 44 - April 26 - 28, 2006 installation

45 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 45 - April 26 - 28, 2006 install RF shielded bellows

46 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 46 - April 26 - 28, 2006 RF System Magnet System Power Supplies Vacuum System Control System Beam Instrumentation Interaction Region Pre-assembly and Installation Schedule Summary

47 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 47 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Backup scheme without SCQ  A backup scheme for the IR lattice configuration will be adopted. Two normal conducting dipoles (70B) are used to replace the two superconducting IR magnets. With this backup scheme, the outer ring, the electron ring and positron ring can be commissioned, respectively.  The main purpose of the backup scheme is to save the time of about 3 months for the SCQ field measurement with detector solenoid and the field mapping of the detector solenoid itself.

48 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 48 - April 26 - 28, 2006 beam orbit in IR for the backup scheme 70B dipole

49 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 49 - April 26 - 28, 2006 IR layout of the backup scheme 70B dipole

50 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 50 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Schedule of IR -2006/05/03 install SCQ and valve-box and wiring 2006/05/04-2006/06/10 38 preparation & check for SCQ cryogenic system 2006/06/11-2006/07/08 28 commissioning SCQ cryogenic system 2006/07/09-2006/08/27 50 SCQ field measurement in IR without detector 2006/08/28-2006/09/07 11 move out SCQ from IR 2006/09/08-2006/09/21 14 install IR components (backup scheme) 2006/09/22-2006/10/09 18 commissioning vacuum, PS etc. of IR 2006/10/10- start commissioning of the rings 2006/09/08-2006/09/18 11 install SCQ at BESIII pre-assembly location 2006/09/19-2006/10/22 34 commissioning cryogenic system 2006/10/23-2007/01/15 84 field measurements for SCQ and detector soli.

51 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 51 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Beam Commissioning Schedule 2006/10/10-2006/11/08 30 commissioning outer ring for SR mode 2006/11/09-2006/12/28 50 commissioning beam lines and SR operation 2006/12/29-2007/01/25 28 commissioning e  ring 2007/01/26-2007/02/22 28 commissioning e  ring 2007/02/23-2007/03/31 37 move SCQ into the IR 2007/04/01-2007/04/20 20 commissioning e  ring 2007/04/21-2007/05/10 20 commissioning e  ring 2007/05/11-2007/06/09 30 commissioning for collision mode 2007/06/10-2007/08/23 75 commissioning for colli. mode with large current 2007/08/24-2007/09/18 26 move BESIII detector into the IR 2007/09/19-2007/10/14 27 commissioning for collision mode 2007/10/15- HEP operation with detector Jiuqing will give detailed descriptions for each step of commissioning.

52 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 52 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Summary  Many problems were encountered and resolved. Progress has been made since the last IMAC meeting.  The BEPC old ring has been removed in the last July. Installation of magnet/chamber rafts started on March 2 of this year.  Comparing with the schedule presented on the last IMAC meeting, the updated schedule delayed by several months, due to arc chamber problem, delay of straight section chambers, delay of superconducting equipments and cryogenic system.  Installation, horizontal test, field measurement of superconducting IR magnets is one of the critical paths of the project. A backup scheme of using two normal conducting dipoles instead of SC IR magnets will be adopted, in order to start the commissioning of the BEPCII rings in the last quarter of this year.

53 4th BEPCII IMAC Meeting - 53 - April 26 - 28, 2006 Thank you for attentions !

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