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Yesterday Correlation Regression -Definition

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1 Yesterday Correlation Regression -Definition
-Deviation Score Formula, Z score formula -Hypothesis Test Regression Intercept and Slope Unstandardized Regression Line Standardized Regression Line Hypothesis Tests

2 Summary Correlation: Pearson’s r Unstandardized Regression Line

3 Some issues with r Outliers have strong effects
Restriction of range can suppress or augment r Correlation is not causation No linear correlation does not mean no association

4 Outliers Child 19 is lowering r Child 18 is increasing r

5 The restricted range problem
The relationship you see between X and Y may depend on the range of X For example, the size of a child’s vocabulary has a strong positive association with the child’s age But if all of the children in your data set are in the same grade in school, you may not see much association

6 Common causes, confounds
Two variables might be associated because they share a common cause. There is a positive correlation between ice cream sales and drownings. Also, in many cases, there is the question of reverse causality

7 Non-linearity Some variables are not linearly related, though a relationship obviously exists For monotonic relationships that are not linear we use Spearman’s r

8 Regression: Analyzing the “Fit”
How well does the regression line describe the data? Assessing “fit” relies on analysis of residuals Are the residuals randomly distributed? (If no, perhaps a linear model is inappropriate) How large are the residuals? Too big? (low correlation means big residuals)

9 Assumptions of Regression
The residuals have mean of 0 and variance of sresid2 The residuals are uncorrelated with X The residuals are homoscedastic (similarly sized across the range of x)

10 Residual Diagnostics I: Graphing

11 Residual Diagnostics I: Graphing
Residual Plot resid Problem: curvilinearity

12 Residual Diagnostics I: Graphing
Agreeableness Time 2

13 Residual Diagnostics I: Graphing
Residual Plot Residuals Problem: heteroscedasticity

14 Regression: Analyzing the “Fit”
How well does the regression line describe the data? Assessing “fit” relies on analysis of residuals Are the residuals randomly distributed? (If no, perhaps a linear model is inappropriate) How large are the residuals? Too big? (low correlation means big residuals) Residual plots ANOVA

15 Regression ANOVA SSY SSmodel SSresid Y Y’

16 Regression ANOVA Source SS df s2 Model Error Total F=t2
“the amount of variance in Y explained by our model”

17 Exercise X Y Fill in the ANOVA table 1 3 4 5 6 9 7 Mean: 5 5
Stdevp: r= b= 0.375 a= 3.125 X Y Y' 5 4 5 5 6 5

18 Exercise X Y Y’ (Y-Y’)2 1 3 4 5 6 9 7 SSresid = … SSmodel = …
Predicted value (Y-Y’)2 Residual (Unpredicted deviation) (Predicted Deviation) 1 3 4 5 6 9 7 SSresid = … SSmodel = … Mean: 5 5 Stdevp: r= b= 0.375 a= 3.125 X Y Y' 5 4 5 5 6 5

19 Exercise X Y Y’ (Y-Y’)2 1 3 3.5 (-0.5)2 (-1.5)2 4 (0.5)2 5 (-1)2 (0)2
Predicted value (Y-Y’)2 Residual (Unpredicted deviation) (Predicted Deviation) 1 3 3.5 (-0.5)2 (-1.5)2 4 (0.5)2 5 (-1)2 (0)2 6 (1)2 9 6.5 (1.5)2 7 SSresid = … SSmodel = … Mean: 5 5 Stdevp: r= b= 0.375 a= 3.125 X Y Y' 5 4 5 5 6 5 3 9

20 Regression ANOVA Source SS df s2 F Model Error Total

21 Regression ANOVA Source SS df s2 F Model 9 1 12 Error 3 4 .75 Total 5

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