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ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming1 ECA 225 Applied Online Programming basics.

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Presentation on theme: "ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming1 ECA 225 Applied Online Programming basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming1 ECA 225 Applied Online Programming basics

2 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming2 JavaScript: What it is  client-side, interpreted scripting language  JavaScript is run and interpreted by the user’s browser  adds interactivity to web pages  interact with a visitor  respond to a visitor’s actions  create slideshows  create new windows  write cookies  validate form input  Object-based

3 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming3 JavaScript: What it is NOT  it is NOT Java  Java apps run independent of web pages  Java is a strongly typed language  it is NOT a way to process form input safely

4 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming4 JavaScript – Client Side 1. Request for HTML files 2. Connection to server 3. Response 4. Files stored in browser cache 5. Users views files, including JavaScript, from cache

5 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming5 JavaScript – Client Side  The software that interprets JavaScript is the browser  We will use JavaScript to write HTML  JavaScript, like HTML, has cross-browser compatibility issues  ECMA  European Computer Manufacturers Association

6 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming6 Events  onClick: when user clicks the mouse  onLoad: when a web page finishes loading into the browser  onMouseOver: when a user rolls the mouse over an object  onFocus: when an object such as a form text box is selected actions performed by a user, eg: scripts can be associated with any of these events

7 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming7 Syntax  tagset  with a couple of exceptions, all JavaScript that we write will be placed inside opening and closing tags  do not place any HTML inside tags, unless it is being written by your script  attributes for the tags  language language=“javascript”  type type=“text/javascript”  src

8 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming8 Syntax cont …  case sensitivity  keywords, variables, function names are case sensitive  FirstName does not match firstname  Boolean value of True will produce an error – correct value is lowercase true  whitespace  JavaScript ignores whitespace – use tabs, indents, carriage returns to make code readable

9 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming9 Syntax cont …  reserved words  may not be used as variable or function names for a list, see my website  semicolons  semicolon to end statements is optional in JavaScript  use of a semicolon, however, is good programming practice  may make it easier to debug problems

10 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming10 Syntax cont …  comments  to comment a single line use two forward slashes  to comment a block of code use /* */ // this is a comment /* These symbols comment a whole block of code */

11 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming11 Syntax cont …  comments  use comments to  document why you are doing something in a particular way  document the logic of a program  label parts or sections of code  debug *** To receive full credit for lab assignments, your code must be documented with comments ***

12 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming12 Where to put JavaScript  JavaScript can be placed just about anywhere inside an HTML document  tagset  place most of your code here, especially functions, variables, etc, which must be defined before the entire page loads  tagset  if your code generates HTML, place it in the body, precisely where the generated HTML will appear  Code may appear in both sections at once

13 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming13 Hiding from older browsers  to hide JavaScript code, place it inside HTML comment tags  code would look like this: < ! - - JavaScript code // - - >

14 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming14  users may turn off JavaScript, or use browsers which don’t support it  provide alternative information by placing info inside tagset  alternate information is displayed if JavaScript is not supported You must have JavaScript enabled to view this page.

15 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming15 Data Types  Numbers  Strings  printing single and double quotes  Boolean Yes/No 1/0 True/False  null  undefined Type Conversion

16 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming16 Variables  Naming Rules:  first character must be a letter or an underscore  following characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores  no spaces in variable name  case sensitive  no keywords  make the variable name descriptive a place in computer memory that temporarily stores a value

17 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming17 Variables cont …  It is good programming practice to declare a variable before using it with var keyword  Declare multiple variables using comma operator  Until assigned a value, a variable is undefined  Assign a value using the assignment operator ( = )  read the assignment operator as “gets the value of” rather than “equals” var first_name = “Bob”;

18 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming18 Operators +Addition + Concatenation -Subtraction *Multiplication /Division %Modulus + +Increment - -Decrement parseInt( ) changes string to number

19 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming19 Operators examples addition subtraction multiplication total = tax + subtotal; range = beginDate – endDate ; tax = taxRate * subtotal ;

20 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming20 Operators examples division modulus (remainder) monthlyAve = numberOfTimes / numberOfMonths remainder = counter1 % counter2 remainder = 7 % 3; // answer is 1

21 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming21 Concatenation  to combine, to connect, to link in a chain  concatenation operator is +  do not confuse with addition var first_name = “Bob”; var last_name = “Palmer”; var full_name = first_name + “ “ + last_name;

22 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming22 Concatenation cont …  example var firstName = “Bob”; var lastName = “Palmer”; var city = “Canton”; var state = “Ohio”; document.write( “My name is “ + firstName + “ “ + lastName + “. I live in “ + city + “, “ + state + “.” ); variables string literals

23 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming23 Operators examples increment + + increases a variable by 1 counter = counter + 1; counter++; ++counter;

24 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming24 Operators examples increment + + var x = 10; counter = 1; total = x + counter++; // total is 11, counter becomes 2 total = x + ++counter; // total is 12

25 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming25 Operators examples decrement – – decreases a variable by 1 counter = counter – 1; counter – – ; – – counter;

26 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming26 Operators examples decrement – – var x = 10; counter = 1; total = x + counter – – ; // total is 11, counter becomes 0 total = x + – – counter; // total is 10

27 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming27 Assignment Operators =Assignment + =Add by value - =Subtract by value * =Multiply by value / =Divide by value % =Modulus by value

28 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming28 Assignment Operator Examples counter = counter + 1; counter ++; counter += 1; counter += 5; counter = counter * 2; counter *= 2; counter *= 10;

29 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming29 Comparison Operators ==Equals ! =Does not equal >Greater than >=Greater than or equal to <Less than < =Less than or equal to

30 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming30 Comparison Operators one equal sign means “gets the value of” two equal signs means “equals” name = “Bob” if( name == “Bob” )

31 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming31 Boolean Operators & &And | |Or !Not For examples of all operators, visit:

32 ECA 225 Applied Interactive Programming32 Boolean Operators if( name == “Bob” && age > 40 ) if( name == “Bob” || name == “Carol” ) if( name == “Bob” && !( name == “Carol” ) )

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