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Troop Leadership Training Mountain View UMC Dalton Muzyka Daniel Condon Bradly Jacquet Mr. Moultrie Your first duty is to develop yourself so that you.

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Presentation on theme: "Troop Leadership Training Mountain View UMC Dalton Muzyka Daniel Condon Bradly Jacquet Mr. Moultrie Your first duty is to develop yourself so that you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troop Leadership Training Mountain View UMC Dalton Muzyka Daniel Condon Bradly Jacquet Mr. Moultrie Your first duty is to develop yourself so that you can contribute more effectively - Peter Drucker

2 Welcome & Introductions Name Patrol Grade & School Hobbies Troop 714 Marietta, GA

3 Communication 9:15-10:00 Troop 714 Marietta, GA

4 Introduction Sharing Ideas is another way of saying Communicating Communicating Well is one of the many important leadership skills You have already done some communicating today Play “Who is on First” DVD Troop 714 Marietta, GA

5 Aristotle’s Model Messages flow both ways- from sender to receiver and from receiver to sender Receivers and senders both have responsibilities for good communication SENDERRECEIVER Troop 714 Marietta, GA Message

6 Body Language A speaker’s Neutral Position is standing comfortably with your arms at your sides Be aware of: - Feet - Hands - Eyes - Ears - Mouth Troop 714 Marietta, GA

7 Body Language A large Part of Communication is body language It is important that your body language supports your message Be aware of your own body language Pay attention to the body language of the listeners Troop 714 Marietta, GA

8 Effective Listening Out of respect for listeners, a speaker will make sure he sends the message as well as he can. Out of respect for the speaker, listeners should make sure they understand. You can see it as a matter of following the Scout Law. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

9 Communicating with Adults Five-step process 1. Here is the reason I am asking for some of your time. 2. Let me share an idea with you. 3. Let me summarize the situation for you. 4. Reinforce the benefits. 5. Let’s discuss the steps to turn this idea into action. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

10 Summary Communicating well requires thought and practice Effective communication has three parts: SENDERRECEIVER Troop 714 Marietta, GA Message

11 One More Skill KNOW WHEN TO STOP TALKING Troop 714 Marietta, GA

12 Break 5 Minutes Troop 714 Marietta, GA

13 Vision-Goals-Planning 10:05-11:00 Troop 714 Marietta, GA

14 What is a Vision? Vision is what future success looks like If you can see it, you can be it. Switch to video clip (Day One, 1-17) The trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more - Erica Jong

15 Vision “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” (American Poet - Carl Sandburg) “Seeing yourself as you want to be is the key to inner growth” (Unknown) “No man that does not see visions will ever realize any high hope or undertake any high enterprise” (Woodrow Wilson) Troop 714 Marietta, GA

16 Challenge #1 Dream big. Dream about what is possible. Share the vision. Describe it. Put it into words. “We know not where our dreams will take us, but we can probably see quite clearly where we will go without them.” (Marilyn Grey) Troop 714 Marietta, GA

17 What is a Goal?  There are many ways to think of goals: - Rungs on a Ladder - Small footsteps of a long journey  There are short-term goals -- things you can accomplish right away “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time!” Troop 714 Marietta, GA

18 Goals Vision is big – it’s the picture of who you want to be. Goals are the steps for realizing a vision. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

19 Challenge #2 Goals are: – Rungs on a Ladder – Small footsteps of a long journey Troop 714 Marietta, GA

20 What is Planning? Goals can require that a lot of things be done. Planning helps you make sure that you haven’t forgotten anything and that everything is completed efficiently. Plan your work – then work your plan. The man who makes no plans makes no progress in life. - Robert Baden-Powell

21 Planning Tool WhatHowWhenWho Troop 714 Marietta, GA

22 Challenge #3 Planning is a means of efficiently fulfilling goals. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

23 Start-Stop-Continue Start – What should we start doing that will make things better? Stop – What should we stop doing because it isn’t helping? Continue – What should we continue doing because it is working well? Troop 714 Marietta, GA

24 Summary Vision is what future success looks like Goals are the means of fulfilling a vision Planning is a means of efficiently fulfilling goals. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

25 Summary The planning tool organizes reaching a goal into four parts: - What has to be done - How to do it - When to do it - Who will do it Start-Stop-Continue is an effective tool for testing the effectiveness of your plans. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

26 Break 5 Minutes Troop 714 Marietta, GA

27 Developing Your Team 11:05-11:50 Troop 714 Marietta, GA

28 What is a Team? A team is a group of people who share a common vision. They work together to complete goals that will help them realize their shared vision. They support and depend on one another. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

29 Teams and Scouting “The patrol method is not a way to operate a Boy Scout troop, it is the only way. Unless the patrol method is in operation you don't really have a Boy Scout troop.” Troop 714 Marietta, GA

30 Valuing People How can similarities strengthen a team? How can diversity strengthen a team? Can diversity ever be a problem for a team? Regardless of ability, no one individual can accomplish and complete anything worthwhile without direct or indirect cooperation from others. – Waite Phillips

31 Leading Yourself Before leading others, you need to lead yourself. Begin by asking three questions: - Where am I now? - Where do I want to be? - How do I close the gap? You are: – The person you lead most. – The person over whom you have the greatest influence. To become competent in governing others, we must first learn to govern ourselves - Waite Phillips

32 Be, Know, Do Be – who you are. Know – understanding something about yourself. Do – using personal strengths to improve your ability to lead Troop 714 Marietta, GA

33 Summary A team is a group of people who share a common vision. Both similarities & differences are important to the success and development of a team. Before leading others, you need to lead yourself. Be, Know, Do Troop 714 Marietta, GA

34 Lunch – One hour including cleanup! Communication Vision-Goals-Planning Team Diversity Remember your training. Use your resources! Troop 714 Marietta, GA

35 Problem Solving 1:00-1:55 Troop 714 Marietta, GA

36 Introduction What happens when things don’t go according to the plan? What does an individual or a group do when roadblocks slow progress toward a goal? Problem solving is what you must do when your plan no longer works. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

37 Planning Tool WhatHowWhenWho Troop 714 Marietta, GA

38 Problem Solving Problem solving is planning when the facts have changed. Nothing worthwhile was accomplished without the will to start, the enthusiasm to continue, and regardless of temporary obstacles the persistence to complete - Waite Phillips

39 Decision-Making Tools Brainstorming Consensus Multivoting Parking Lot Troop 714 Marietta, GA

40 Brainstorming Encourage everyone to participate. Think outside the box. Piggy-back ideas. Consider similar problems. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

41 Consensus Consensus occurs when a discussion leads to agreement without resorting to a vote. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

42 Multi-Voting Allows a team to consider a number of options. Each team member has an equal vote. If sorting a list, members rank the items If reducing it, members vote to toss out the poorest choices. Cast votes and total scores. Repeat, if necessary. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

43 Parking Lot To save suggestions that do not apply directly to the matters at hand, a note of each good suggestion is placed in the “parking lot” for later consideration. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

44 Leader Responsibilities In emergency problem solving, a leader directing a team toward a solution should try to stay a step back from the action to keep an overall view of the entire situation. Learn how to be ready and how to be able to do the right thing in an emergency for the good of the rest – Robert Baden-Powell

45 Summary Problem solving is what you must do when your plan no longer works. Some decision making tools are: – Brainstorming – Consensus – Multivoting – Parking Lot Troop 714 Marietta, GA

46 Break 5 Minutes Troop 714 Marietta, GA

47 Conflict Resolution 2:00-2:45 Troop 714 Marietta, GA

48 What is Conflict? Conflicts occur when people disagree and seem unable to find a solution. As a leader, you sometimes will need to resolve conflicts. Conflicts can be minor or so large that they can damage troop spirit. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

49 Resolving Conflict Be aware of yourself. Be aware of others. Listen. Use your EAR Troop 714 Marietta, GA

50 Be Aware of Yourself If you are upset or angry, it affects how you relate to others. Be aware of your own emotions. You may need to call a time-out to let your emotions cool down. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

51 Be Aware of Others Being aware of others helps you adjust the situation for a good outcome. Be aware of their physical comfort and other factors that might be affecting their emotions. Consider taking a break if necessary. Consider the location. Meet away from the rest of the group if possible. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

52 Listen The better the information you have, the greater your chances of finding a solution Listen carefully to what others are saying, not judging until you hear everyone’s story. Be aware of tone of voice, body language, and other clues. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

53 EAR EAR is a tool for resolving conflict. Ask the people involved to: –Express – what you want and what you are doing to get it –Address – Why it is working or not working –Resolve – What ways there are to solve the situation. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

54 Communication Skills Listening is the most important communication skill for conflict resolution. Use your ears more than your mouth. Encourage others to talk but offer no judgments. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

55 Communication Skills Make sure you hear the message, and put it in your own words. Use EAR – Express, Address, Resolve – to find answers to conflicts that work for everyone. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

56 Look out for the Little Guys A healthy Scout Troop will have your members of different ages. Age differences can be a source of conflict. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

57 Look out for the Little Guys Leaders need to be aware of the experience of younger Scouts. Speak up any time you become aware of older Scouts picking on younger boys. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

58 Bringing Others In When your best efforts cannot resolve a conflict, discuss it with the Patrol Leader’s Council and with adult Scout Leaders. Serious problems involving drugs, alcohol, hazing or harassment should be reported immediately to the adult leaders of your troop. Troop 714 Marietta, GA

59 Summary Even with the best leadership, there are bound to be conflicts among people. Steps in conflict resolution - Be aware of yourself. - Be aware of others. - Listen - Use EAR – Express, Address, Resolve Troop 714 Marietta, GA

60 Leader Training Continuum Other Training Opportunities: – JLT- Junior Leader Training – NYLT- National Youth Leadership Training – NAYLE- National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned. Harold S. Geneen

61 Closing Q&A Final Announcements Recognition – Participants – Staff & Trainers SM Minute(s) Cleanup Leadership is action not position - Donald H. McGannon

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