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Bayesian Multivariate Logistic Regression by Sean O’Brien and David Dunson (Biometrics, 2004 ) Presented by Lihan He ECE, Duke University May 16, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Bayesian Multivariate Logistic Regression by Sean O’Brien and David Dunson (Biometrics, 2004 ) Presented by Lihan He ECE, Duke University May 16, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bayesian Multivariate Logistic Regression by Sean O’Brien and David Dunson (Biometrics, 2004 ) Presented by Lihan He ECE, Duke University May 16, 2008

2 Univariate logistic regression Multivariate logistic regression Prior specification and convergence Posterior computation Experimental result Conclusions Outlines

3 Univariate Logistic Regression Model Equivalent: z i : latent variable L( ): logistic density logistic density: CDF:

4 Univariate Logistic Regression Model Approximation using t distribution set

5 Multivariate Logistic Regression Model Binary variable for each output with -- marginal pdf has univariate logistic density, F -1 ( ) is the inverse CDF of density

6 Multivariate Logistic Regression Model Property  The marginal univariate densities of z j, for j=1,…,p, have univariate logistic form  p=1, reduce to the univariate logistic density  R is a correlation matrix (with 1’s on the diagonal), reflecting the correlations between z j, and hence the correlations between y j  R=diag(1,…,1), reduce to a product of univariate logistic densities, and the elements of z are uncorrelated  Good convergence property for MCMC sampling

7 Multivariate Logistic Regression Model Likelihood M-ary variable for each output (ordered) Assume Define

8 Prior specification and convergence or R: uniform density [-1,1] for each element in non-diagonal position

9 Posterior Computation Posterior: Prior and likelihood are not conjugate Proposal distribution: = Use multivariate t distribution to approximate the multivariate logistic density in the likelihood part. Importance sampling: sample from a proposal distribution to approximate samples from, and use importance weights for exact inference.

10 Posterior Computation Introduce latent variables and z, the proposal is expressed as Sample and z from the full conditionals since the likelihood is conjugate to prior. Update R using a Metropolis step (accept/reject) z)z) Set with probability Set otherwise

11 Posterior Computation Importance weights for inference weights

12 Application Subject: 584 twin pregnancies Output: small for gestational age (SGA), defined as a birthweight below the 10th percentile for a given gestational age in a reference population. Binary output, y ij ={0,1}, i=1,…,584, j=1, 2 Covariates: x ij for the ith pregnancy and the jth infant

13 Application  Obtain nearly identical estimates to the study of AP for the regression coefficients.  Female gender (β 1 ), prior preterm delivery (β 4, β 5 ) and smoking (β 8 ) are associated with an increased risk of SGA.  Outcomes for twins are highly correlated, represented by R.

14 Conclusions  Propose a multivariate logistic density for multivariate logistic regression model.  The proposed multivariate logistic density is closely approximated by a multivariate t distribution.  Has properties that facilitate efficient sampling and guaranteed convergence.  The marginals are univariate logistic densities.  Embed the correlation structure within the model.

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