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Horse Camp by Nicole Helget & Nate LeBoutillier: A Book Worth Reading Presented by: Bay Walker Ms. Wilson’s 4 th Grade Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Horse Camp by Nicole Helget & Nate LeBoutillier: A Book Worth Reading Presented by: Bay Walker Ms. Wilson’s 4 th Grade Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horse Camp by Nicole Helget & Nate LeBoutillier: A Book Worth Reading Presented by: Bay Walker Ms. Wilson’s 4 th Grade Class

2 Introduction of the Story Penny and Percy are twins and they are getting sent to their Uncle Strech’s farm with their little brother Pauly. Their mother and father are sending them all to horse camp because they got in a big disaster. Their father had to go build a church far away from where they lived and there mother got sent to jail for doing something against the law. And that’s how the story starts.

3 Introduction of the Main Characters The main characters are Percy and Penny. There usually is only one main character but they both tell the story. Penny and Percy are twins and they are both thirteen years old. Also they are brother and sister.

4 Important moments in the story When Percy almost got killed by a tornado When Uncle Strech got married When Penny and Percy’s mom came back from jail When Penny and Percy and their mom moved into Uncle Strech’s house

5 What this story is NOT about It’s not about Horse Camp at all. It’s not even about horses!

6 Why I Loved This Book I loved this book because when you are reading this book you really don’t know what’s going to happen next. I also liked this book because when it was Penny’s turn to tell the chapter it would always be her diary and I liked that because I have my own diary and I like to write my feelings in it.

7 Why should you read this book? It’s told by a boy and a girl so you get to hear the story from different sides It will keep you interested Percy and Penny go through hard things that you can learn from

8 Where can you get this book? The local library Barnes and Noble Online at

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