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 1. Take one book at a time 2. Decide if it is: E = Easy Reader Y= Young Adult Esp = Spanish T= Topic J= Junior O= Oversized Based on Pierce County.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. Take one book at a time 2. Decide if it is: E = Easy Reader Y= Young Adult Esp = Spanish T= Topic J= Junior O= Oversized Based on Pierce County."— Presentation transcript:



3  1. Take one book at a time 2. Decide if it is: E = Easy Reader Y= Young Adult Esp = Spanish T= Topic J= Junior O= Oversized Based on Pierce County Library System Slightly different from what they were using (i.e.- n=knowledge (t=topic), esp=Spanish), added O= oversized 3. Then type in Excel the letter and the first three letters of the author’s last name and title of the book Ex: J-Cle Ramona and Her Mom

4  Organize your Excel sheet  Copy to Word or print from Excel  Cut out each label and tape on books Ex: Ramona and Her Mother by Beverly Clearly Label it: J-Cle Ramona and Her Mom

5  Put books in order of letter category ex: (E, Y, R, Esp, T, J)  Organize each book in alphabetical order within each category  Helpful Hint: Put easy reader books on the bottom shelves for easier access

6  This should be tailored to your site  Our kids live on site so we include: Name, Room number, book checked out, date, and when they return the book they put a check in the end box  Checkout List Columns: Name & Room #, Book, Today’s Date, and Returned (please check)

7  Our book inventory is saved on a shared drive  If the kids need a specific book they/we can look on the computer to see if we have it.

8  Post signs  Get the word out  Continue to add more books to your library

9 The End

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