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S HARE P OINT 2010 An Overview of SharePoint 2010 Features Click on link for Self Service Site Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "S HARE P OINT 2010 An Overview of SharePoint 2010 Features Click on link for Self Service Site Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 S HARE P OINT 2010 An Overview of SharePoint 2010 Features Click on link for Self Service Site Creation

2 I NTRODUCTION TO S HARE P OINT Most functions in SharePoint, once you find them, are very easy to use and manipulate. SharePoint is an excellent resource especially for: o Shared document repositories o Collaborative group work o Allowing multiple people to edit content simultaneously It is a virtual collaboration tool.

3 C ALENDAR Great For Scheduling: o Events o Meetings o Due dates

4 E MAIL N OTIFICATIONS o Receive an email notification when changes are made

5 D ISCUSSION B OARD o Great for group communication and collaboration

6 L IBRARIES o All your documents can be stored in one place o No more emailing attachments back and forth Uploading is easy

7 W IKI L IBRARY o Perfect for collaborative documents o Use instead of Word when creating collaborative documents Linking to another page is surprisingly simple

8 L ISTS & I MPORTED S PREADSHEETS Go from this… You can essentially create a spreadsheet without leaving SharePoint To this… For this project you might need a contacts list or a timeline list

9 C USTOM V IEW o You can create a “view” of a list Here’s the standard view…but I don’t really like it… This is the view I prefer

10 S ITES AND W ORKSPACES o Break your site into different sections, known as workspaces

11 W EB P ARTS o Everything circled is a web part o Very similar to iGoogle

12 S ITE T EMPLATES o There are a number of templates from which to choose o Each template has a description for best use Template Name Best Use

13 S URVEY Get to know your classmates!

14 M AIN S HARE P OINT F EATURES o Calendars o Announcements o Libraries (documents, pages, etc.) o Wikis o Lists and Imported Spreadsheets o Custom Views o Sites and Workspaces o Site Templates o Surveys o Web Parts o Discussion Boards

15 Q UESTIONS ? Thank You! SharePoint resource: server-help/introduction- RZ101806469.aspx?section=2

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