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Mexico Part 4. Bellwork: Define Terms  Re-entrant tuning: the strings are not tuned from lowest to highest.  Nahuatl-central Mexican native language.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexico Part 4. Bellwork: Define Terms  Re-entrant tuning: the strings are not tuned from lowest to highest.  Nahuatl-central Mexican native language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexico Part 4

2 Bellwork: Define Terms  Re-entrant tuning: the strings are not tuned from lowest to highest.  Nahuatl-central Mexican native language and tribe, pronounced (nahwat), which preceded the Spanish language.  Quetzalcoatl: literally, the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon.  Tlaloc: the Aztec god of rain fertility and water.

3 Announcements  Test Thursday May 22 nd on Mexico.  Next week we will study about Panama on Tuesday and review for the final exam on Thursday.

4 Outcomes  Scholars Will:  Grammar: Learn basic facts about Mexico.  Logic: Play various rhythmic patterns common in Mariachi and Jarocha music.

5 Three basic phrases in the Nahuatl language  Quen Motoca?  What is your name?  Notoca “Melinda”  My name is Melinda  Cualica  Very Good

6 Quetzalcoatl

7 Tlaloc: How to recognize him  Feather Headdress  Cape  Jade necklace  Dots on his face  Jaguar teeth  Goggles on his eyes

8 Requinto Jarocho-video Jose Gutierrez

9 Active Listening #3 Cielito Lindo  Does the violin play with the vocal line or does it answer in response to it?  Does the trumpet play with the vocal line or does it answer in response to it?  Can you identify the two guitars which strum the chordal accompaniment?

10 Just the facts #3 Cielito Lindo  Although the word "cielo" means sky, it is also a term of endearment comparable to sweetheart or honey.  The poetic lyrics correspond to the Spain Castilian classical stanza known as "seguidilla," i.e. seven lines of alternating heptasyllabic (7) and pentasyllabic (5) verses.

11 Tomen Nota  In Mariachi, the trumpet plays mellifluous countermelodies to the vocal line and uses pronounced vibrato.  Trumpeter Miguel Martinez invented trumpet styles which were copied, including the use of two trumpets usually harmonizing in 3rds or 6ths.  The tightly interlocking pattern of the vihuela, guitar and guittaron are the armonias (harmony).  Mariachi wear a charro costume that includes a hat, implements of horse handling and botonadura or silver buttons.

12 Mariachi Apados: Nicknames  La Escoba—the broom, a tall man  El cara de leon—the lion face  El Loco= the crazy man  La hormiga=the ant  El cocoon=the turkey  La vaca=a long cow-like face  Jitomata=tomato, red-faced

13 Typical Mariachi Gigs  Playing for tourists  Chambas (casual engagements)  “Al talon”-on foot, walking around tables

14 CFU: Create your own apados

15 Active Listening #5 Estrellita  List four adjectives which describe the mood of this piece:  How does the melodic line mirror the attributes of a star?  Describe the style of classical violin playing. How does it compare to the mariachi style violin sound?

16 Just the facts #5 Estrellita  Manuel Ponce’s compositional style is a combination of impressionism and nationalism.  He spent many years in Paris, where he studied with Paul Dukas, best known for his work “The Sorcerers’ Apprentice”.

17 Active Listening #6 TLEN HUICANI - El Cascabel Video  Identify the instruments of Jarocha:  Which instrument dominates the introduction?  How is this jarocha different than “La Bamba”?  Name at least three differences.

18 Just the facts #6 TLEN HUICANI - El Cascabel Video  This is the most popular son in a minor key.  The title means “Little Bell”.

19 CFU: The Sesquialtera Rhythm  Count: 123456 123456  This time clap on beats 1 and 4  1 23 4 56  Next, clap on beats 1, 3 and 5  1 2 3 4 5 6  In the first example, we are feeling the beat in 6/8 with two groups of three notes per measure. Play Tortuga.  In the second example, the measure is divided into three groups of two.  In a time signature, the note on top tells us how many beats per measure and the note on the bottom tells us what type of note.  Thinking of the bottom note as a fraction is quite helpful.

20 Tomen Nota  Marimba music is common in southern Mexican states.  In northern Mexico the waltz and polka are typical song forms.  Near the end of the son jarocho, the guitars stop and there is a harp solo, then the requinto will join in.  There was a musical practice from Spain of combining different sizes of instruments. For example, a small instrument is called the mosquito. This practice was duplicated in the jarocho ensembles.  In son jarocho, there is an alternation of singers between the pregonero (leader) and the coro (chorus).

21 CFU: Playing common Mexican rhythms on guitar  Ex. 1 Page 49  Using two guitars we will recreate the following rhythms:  Clap First, then imitate a strumming pattern  Ex. 2 Page 50  Ex. 3 Page 56

22 Clips of musical performances from early Mexican cinema  “Santa”-1931  Starring Lupita Tovar  The first appearance of Mariachi  in Cinema.  Note the absence of  trumpet in this earlier mariachi style.

23 Reading Outline #24 in class

24 Exit Ticket  Explain two musical details of son jarocho music:  List three musical traits of a mariachi trumpet:  Who was Quetzalcoatl?  What is the name of the native tribal language which predated Spanish in central Mexico?

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