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Presented to you by Tristan Smith Join the good side of life...

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to you by Tristan Smith Join the good side of life..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to you by Tristan Smith Join the good side of life...

2 The definition of a healthy diet is eating the nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, fibers, and minerals. However you have to be careful because when you are eating a healthy diet you also have to make sure you eat the right quantities of these nutrients.

3 What I am trying to do for the ICS canteen is, Bring Healthy snack to canteen. Improve pupils concentration. Increase pupils grades and efforts.

4 What is Choco Lato grapes ? I’ll tell you ! It is A healthy and delicious snack. Made with grapes covered in 86% cocoa chocolate. And served in a cup for a reasonable price.

5 What can Choco lato Grapes do for ICS ? Well I am presenting this to you because Choco Lato Grapes, will benefit for your teachers and for the pupils. Choco Lato Grapes will give the pupils the energy they need to get throught the day. It will also improve there concentration during classes, and with these two factors put together, you get a high grade and a happier school.

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