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Modeled Snowmelt contributed between 0-23% of the total basin input during the top-10 extreme storms Dependent on Basin area shape, Forest cover, and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeled Snowmelt contributed between 0-23% of the total basin input during the top-10 extreme storms Dependent on Basin area shape, Forest cover, and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeled Snowmelt contributed between 0-23% of the total basin input during the top-10 extreme storms Dependent on Basin area shape, Forest cover, and the timing of the storm’s rain-snow transition. How Important is Snow During Rain-on-snow Floods over the Western U.S. Mountains? Nic Wayand, University of Washington

2 1-year in the life of snow in the rain-snow transition zone Snoqualmie Pass, Central Washington Cascades, USA.

3 “Typical” Storm SNOWFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF No runoff production Elevation Z 1 AREA contributing overland runoff to stream Photo credit: User: Lucas – K Lu Slide by Mark Raleigh RUNOFF

4 Rain-on-Snow Event SNOWFALL RUNOFF Elevation Z 2 Rain-on-Snow event produces Larger AREA contributing overland runoff to stream Warmer Storm (1 week later) Elevation Z 1 ΔZΔZΔZΔZ RAINFALL Photo credit: User: Lucas – K Lu Slide by Mark Raleigh Snowcover exposed to warm, windy weather

5 Snow Depth Elevation More Snow at Higher Elevations Potential melt Snow depth Maximizing Snowmelt More Energy for melt at Lower Elevations Sweet Spot for Melting Snow Warmer Temperatures Melt Energy

6 Using a Simplified basin model Rain-snow elevationBasin ShapeBasin Forest Cover Area of Melting Snow Low Rain-snow transition High Rain-snow transition Area of Melting Snow Photo credit: User: Lucas – K Lu Top: User: off_the_hook Bottom: User: Sting User: Sting Uniform Area Basin “Fat” Area Basin Lots of Forest Clearings Elevation Snowfall Rainfall Snowfall Rainfall Snowmelt Input (%) San Joaquin basin, CA Snoqualmie basin, WA E. North Fork Feather basin, CA Less snowmelt More snowmelt

7 High school Outreach: Rain-on-Snow Lesson Video snap shot goes here Link to material Outreach video

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