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National Youth Agency update and overview Peta Halls Development Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "National Youth Agency update and overview Peta Halls Development Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Youth Agency update and overview Peta Halls Development Officer

2 Introduction National Youth Agency Intergenerational Youth Learning Network Intergenerational Youth Led case studies

3 National Youth Agency Established in 1991, based in Leicester –Aim to advance youth work to promote young people’s personal and social development, and their voice, influence and place in society –Work with organisations to improve the life chances of young people, shape policy and secure social justice

4 Intergenerational Youth Learning Network Established September 2008 Funded by the Office Civil Society Partnership with Beth Johnson Foundation Aim to develop intergenerational work from a youth work perspective: –29 Intergenerational Youth Learning Network members –6 pilot Intergenerational case studies

5 Intergenerational Youth Learning Network case studies Community Matters East Riding Buddying Scheme Fulbridge Intergenerational Project Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade NACRO Trafford Intergenerational and Multicultural Project Photo courtesy of Magic Me

6 East Riding Buddying Scheme East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Youth Service led project aims: to bring elected members, community representatives and young people together to promote communication and discussion on topics and issues that affect young people and promote positive intergenerational links between young people and their communities

7 East Riding Buddying Scheme Special over 50’s events in Pocklington –Young people canvassed older people about setting up intergenerational meetings and led to skill sharing intergenerational events. Buddying Scheme –Workshop to build communication links and mutual understanding between local councillors and young people. –44 meetings held with 80 young people and 33 elected members and young people.

8 East Riding Buddying Scheme I like telling the councillors what its like being in our town and they really listen to you. The councillors are helping us to make things better here. They are really good for advice and we can have a laugh with them as well. I thought they would be serious. Really good way of the young people involved in community issues and for giving us focus on how we can all help each other. The range of issues that are being addressed through buddying reflect the concerns of both young and old and are helping to build a more positive attitude towards resolving some of the concerns of those communities.

9 Fulbridge Intergenerational Project Youth led community intergenerational event Joint pre-planning meetings and discussions about history of Fulbridge, life as a teenager and childhood games 200 Community fun day participants

10 Any Questions?

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