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1 NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #50 meeting November 4, 2005 Stu GoldmanRobert Schafer NIIF Co Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #50 meeting November 4, 2005 Stu GoldmanRobert Schafer NIIF Co Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #50 meeting November 4, 2005 Stu GoldmanRobert Schafer NIIF Co Chair

2 2 NIIF Leadership Network Interconnection/Interoperability Forum NIIF Co Chair:Stu Goldman (Lucent) NIIF Co Chair:Robert Schafer (MCI) Network Inter-Operability Committee NIOC Co Chair:Robin Meier (SBC) NIOC Co Chair:Bob Amling (Telcordia) Network Routing Resources Information Committee NRRIC Co Chair:Rod Shaul (Telcordia) NRRIC Co Chair: Vacant

3 3 Meetings Held from August 26, 2005 to November 3, 2005 August 29, 2005 – NRRIC Conference Call to Review NIIF Correspondence #050811-001 received by TMOC CLDR September 12, 2005 – Full NIOC Conference Call to Review of T1.202 and the Telcordia Technologies contribution to T1.202 September 14, 2005 – Issue #0260 Unofficial Sub-team Conference Call September 15, 2005 – NRRIC Conference Call - Issue #0264, Update the NIIF Mergers and Acquisitions Document September 22, 2005 – Full NIOC Conference Call to Continue Review of the NRRIC Educational Document October 6, 2005 –NRRIC Conference Call – Review of Draft T1.251 with TMOC CLDR October 24-25, 2005 – NRRIC #28 October 26-28, 3005 – NIOC #51, Las Vegas, Nevada

4 4 Correspondence Reviewed since NIIF General Session #50 NIIF Correspondence #051021-001 from INC to Premier Network Services, Inc. regarding the Use of 855-555-NXX NIIF Correspondence #050906-001, from TMOC to NIOC - Email correspondence from TMOC regarding TMOC Issue 59 Final Closure NIIF Correspondence #050902-002, from IETF DCCP Working Group to NIOC in response to NIIF Correspondence requesting assistance with NIIF Issue #0247, involving assistance with an issue pertaining to network management controls for High Volume Call In (HVCI) events when VoIP technology is involved NIIF Correspondence #050902-001 from NIOC to IETF DCCP Working Group and IETF ICCRG Revision to Correspondence 050901-001, adding the IETF Liaison E-mail address NIIF Correspondence #050901-001 from NIOC to IETF DCCP Working Group and IETF ICCRG regarding NIIF Issue #0247, involving assistance with an issue pertaining to network management controls for High Volume Call In (HVCI) events when VoIP technology is involved

5 5 NIIF Correspondence #050829-001 from NRRIC to TMOC CLDR in Response to NIIF Correspondence #050811-001 regarding request for a joint meeting in October 2005 to reach agreement on a T1.251 draft revision that could be submitted for letter ballot in the October 2005 TMOC plenary meeting NIIF Correspondence #050823-001 and #050823-001 Attachment A, from INC to OBF SNAC and NIIF regarding Premier Network Services, Inc., requesting reservation and eventual use of “855-555” NXX in the SMS/800 database as a means to complete calls to 555 numbers NIIF Correspondence #050811-001 - TMOC CLDR to NRRIC, Request for a joint meeting in October 2005 to reach agreement on a T1.251 draft revision that could be submitted for letter ballot in the October 2005 TMOC plenary meeting NIIF Correspondence #050707-001 and #050707-001 Attachment A - NIIF ATIS NGN-FG to ATIS Committees, Request for review of attachment to identify any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or material defects in the content by JULY 15, 2005 Correspondence Reviewed since NIIF General Session #50 (cont.)

6 6 NIIF Correspondence #050727-001 from NRRIC to PTSC in Response to NIIF Correspondence #050621-001 regarding review of an attached IP Network to Network Testing Framework Document NIIF Correspondence #050719-001 from NRRIC to TMOC in response to NIIF Correspondence #050414-001, Changes in the latest draft proposed ANS (dpANS) revision of T1.251 Response regarding NRRIC review of TMOC-CLDR-2005-010 NIIF Correspondence #050629-001 from NRRIC to TMOC in response to NIIF Correspondence #050414-001-001, Changes in the latest draft proposed ANS (dpANS) revision of T1.251 6/21/05 Request for additional time to complete NRRIC review of TMOC- CLDR-2005-010 and suggestion that letter ballot on draft ANS be deferred until NRRIC comments are received Correspondence Reviewed since NIIF General Session #50 (cont.)

7 7 NIIF New Issues Issue #0270, Update NIIF Documentation on Rating and Routing in a Competitive Local Environment Issue #0271, Revise NIIF 0014, NIIF Report for Rating and Routing in a Competitive Local Environment * NIIF Issues can be accessed at

8 8 NIIF Issues in Initial Closure Issues in Initial Closure: None Issues in Initial Pending: None

9 9 NIIF Issues in Final Closure Issues Placed in Final Closure since NIIF GS #50: Issue #0224: Network Management SS7 Controls for High Volume Call In Events (HVCI) Issue #0249: Additional Testing Scenarios for NIIF 5006 Section 4, Feature Group D Testing Issue #0265, NIIF Reference Document Update to Include a Reference to New Text on NS/EP in Part III - Attachment B, ISUP Compatibility Tests * NIIF Issues can be accessed at

10 10 Other Activity Ongoing work to obtain updates to NIIF Contact Lists Status of IAM POTS=0 requested from wireless industry Review of the ATIS NGN FG output documents Review of INC Issue 459 Activity to determine need for related NIIF issues

11 11 Identified Concerns Bringing New Technology Issues and SMEs into the Forum Translating ATIS TOPS Priorities into Specific Issues Increasing number of issues is leading to the need for additional meeting time

12 12 Future Interim Meetings NRRIC Meetings –December 6, 2005 - NRRIC Conference Call on Issue #0264, Update the NIIF Mergers and Acquisitions Document –December 7, 2005 - Joint NIOC and NRRIC Issue #0258, National Security/ Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) calls may encounter difficulties when some portion of the call is served by VoIP technology, and Issue #0268, Update NIIF Part XIII Terms and Definitions Document, Conference Call –December 15, 2005 – NRRIC Conference Call on Issue #0253, Substantive Updates to NIIF 0015, Intercompany Responsibilities Within the Telecommunications Industry document –January 24-25, 2006 - NRRIC #29, Virtual Meeting

13 13 Future Interim Meetings NIOC Meetings –November 17, 2005 – Full NIOC Conference Call to Review NIIF Correspondence #051021-001 and NIIF Correspondence #050823-001 –November 29, 2005 – Full NIOC Conference Call to Review Issue #0227, #0233, #0246, and #0250 –December 1, 2005 – March 2006 Joint Meeting Agenda Planning Conference Call between NIOC, PTSC, TMOC, OBF, and PRQC Leaders –December 2, 2005 – Unofficial Issue #0269 Sub Team Conference Call –December 7, 2005 - Joint NIOC and NRRIC Issue #0258, National Security/ Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) calls may encounter difficulties when some portion of the call is served by VoIP technology, and Issue #0268, Update NIIF Part XIII Terms and Definitions Document, Conference Call December 12, 2005 – Issue #0261 Conference Call –February 6-10, 2006 – NIOC #52 Virtual Meeting

14 14 Next NIIF Meeting NIIF #52 Meeting – Virtual: –NRRIC – January 24-25, 2006 –NIOC – February 6-10, 2006 –General Session – February 17, 2006

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