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WARM UP 11-17-2014 (WTK) 1.Author’s purpose for writing – to inform, entertain, or to persuade 2.Folktale: a type of traditional literature focused on.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP 11-17-2014 (WTK) 1.Author’s purpose for writing – to inform, entertain, or to persuade 2.Folktale: a type of traditional literature focused on."— Presentation transcript:


2 WARM UP 11-17-2014 (WTK) 1.Author’s purpose for writing – to inform, entertain, or to persuade 2.Folktale: a type of traditional literature focused on common people; the characters usually are created to represent human weaknesses. Elements of magic may be incorporated, but the story will honor logic over magic. Ex: Baba Yaga & Johnny Appleseed. 3.Myth: a traditional or legendary story that involves gods and heroes; serves to explain the world view of a people or culture. Ex: The Story of Hercules & White Buffalo Women 4.Fable: a type of traditional literature (a short story), written in verse or prose; the characters are usually animals or Inanimate objects. Fables attempt to teach a moral or lesson. Ex: The Tortoise and the Hare, The Ant and the Grasshopper 5.Legend: a type of traditional literature that exaggerates the acts or life of a real person in history; The structure of these stories is set up as though the tale is true and often attaches fame or notoriety to the main character. Ex: Robin Hood & Arthur and the Sword

3 WARM UP 11-18-2014 Admiral McRaven’s Life Lesson #8: “If you want to change the world, you must be your very best in the darkest moment.” Some of the Navy SEAL training missions require them to perform dangerous underwater operations in complete darkness. All of their training needs to carry them through that moment. No one knows when we will take our last breath. We may not have SEAL training but we do have our values, our spirituality, and our relationships to pull us through these darkest moments. It’s not how you start but how you finish that counts!  Construct a well written, thoughtful paragraph describing a time in which you either did or did not become the best “you” in a time of danger, stress, sadness, frustration or anger.

4 Life can be very trying. Sometimes it's hard to find something for which you can be thankful. So, for just a few minutes, step outside your situation and just "be". Find something, no matter how small, to be thankful for because in giving thanks, you will be lightening your load, even if for only a momentAssignment On one of the colored leaves, write about something or someone for which you are thankful. USE PEN…DO NOT USE PENCIL!

5 Warm Up 11-20-2014 Imagine severe weather is about to strike your neighborhood and you have to evacuate in the next 30 minutes. What would you do to prepare to leave? What would you take with you? Imagine severe weather is about to strike your neighborhood and you have to evacuate in the next 30 minutes. What would you do to prepare to leave? What would you take with you?

6 Warm Up 11-21-2014 Write the introductory paragraph of an expository essay comparing and contrasting living in a cold climate and living in a warm climate, for example: living in Georgia v. living in the state of Washington.

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