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YOURS – Time for Action! Floor Lieshout Director| YOURS – Youth for Road Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "YOURS – Time for Action! Floor Lieshout Director| YOURS – Youth for Road Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOURS – Time for Action! Floor Lieshout Director| YOURS – Youth for Road Safety

2 2 Agenda Introduction Our story Decade of Action for Road Safety The role of young people Conclusion

3 3 Introduction Floor Lieshout The Netherlands

4 4 Introduction

5 5 2001: Youth advisor to the Dutch Minister of Transport

6 6 Introduction

7 7 Our story UN World Youth Assembly for Road Safety 23-24 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland >200 youth delegates >100 countries Give young people a voice and adoption of Youth Declaration for Road Safety

8 8 Our story

9 9 Question What is the biggest killer of young people worldwide?

10 10 Our story Every day more than 1000 young people die on the world´s roads Thousands more are injured Leading cause of death of young people aged 15-29 year olds

11 11 Discussed road safety and youth involvement

12 12 Canadian delegates

13 13 Wish to create a global youth NGO for road safety

14 14 Our story Under auspices of United Nations, World Health Organization Official launch of YOURS during First Global Ministerial Conference in Moscow 2010: started operations

15 15 First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

16 16 Question Who are more at risk in traffic? – Females? – Males? – Young males are almost three times as likely to be killed as their female counterparts

17 17 About us Advocate at a global level Inspire, Connect and Unite young people Develop capacities of youth advocates

18 18 About us We believe... that road crashes are preventable road safety does not stop at our borders in the high potential of youth it is young people themselves who can be at the forefront of making a difference that we can mobilize, inspire and engage young people

19 19 Our continuously growing youth network

20 20 Decade of Action for Road Safety

21 21 Decade of Action for Road Safety UN resolution calls for a Decade of Action for Road Safety Through the Decade countries commit to road safety actions in areas such as: limiting speed, reducing drink-driving, increasing the use of seatbelts, child restraints, motorcycle helmets.

22 22 Decade of Action for Road Safety Goal: Saving 5 million lives!

23 23 Decade of Action for Road Safety Decade of Action video

24 24 Decade of Action for Road Safety Officially launched on the 11th of May 2011


26 26 Decade of Action for Road Safety The good thing is…. YOU can be part of it! 1) Show you are committed!

27 27 Decade of Action for Road Safety

28 28

29 29 Decade of Action for Road Safety 2) Campaign for road safety in your local community We have got some free tools for you to use…

30 Awareness tool







37 37 Decade of Action for Road Safety 3) Be a role model

38 Contact web: email: Find us by searching Youth for Road Safety on:

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