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Presentation on theme: "SAANSAD ADARSH GRAM YOJANA"— Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Rural Development Government of India

2 Goal To translate comprehensive and organic vision of Mahatma Gandhi into reality, keeping in view the present context. 1 Adarsh Gram by 2016 3 Adarsh Grams by 2019 8 Adarsh Grams by 2024 Objective To generate models of local level development and effective local governance which can motivate and inspire neighbouring Gram Panchayats to learn and adapt

3 SAGY – A Programme with a difference
No funding in this scheme Not an Infrastructure centered scheme Paradigm shift of attitude is essential Convergence of all Central & State Schemes Focus on Outcomes and Sustainability Identify & utilize untapped resources Holistic Development of Village is the aim

4 Time Line Village Development Plan Approvals and Sanctions
Monitoring Panchayat Darpan Time Line Sept-2015 (11 months) Nov-2014 Dec-2014 Jan-2015 May-2015 July-2015 Oct 2015 Oct 2016 Baseline Survey Mid Term Review Awareness Generation Village Development Plan Programme Review Current Stage GP Identification Approvals and Sanctions Scheme implementation

5 Eight Pillars of SAGY 1 8 Personal Development Good Governance
Human Development 1 8 2 SAGY Social Security Social Development 7 3 Basic Amenities and services Economic Development 4 6 5 Environmental Development

6 Planning A Village Development Plan would be prepared for every identified Gram Panchayat with special focus on enabling every poor household to come out of poverty. Converging the resources of various Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes VDP Tracking Templates to be uploaded in the Website

7 VDP Tracking Template Statement I Summary of all Areas of Work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SNO Area of Work Sector How (Scheme(s)/Strategy) Line Department/ / Agency Completion timeline (in Months) Priority (1 to 3, 1 is top) Statement II Detail of Each Area of Work 1 2 3 4 5 6 SNO Areas of Work Milestones Milestone/ Time Line Responsibility Outcome

8 Outcomes Increased livelihoods/employment opportunities
Reduction in distress migration Freedom from bonded labour, child labour and manual scavenging 100% registration of deaths and births Evolution of alternate dispute resolution system acceptable to all sections of the community Peace and Harmony Demonstration effect on other Gram Panchayats

9 Quarterly, Half yearly and Yearly Progress Report
Panchayat Darpan Monitoring Quarterly, Half yearly and Yearly Progress Report

10 Panchayat Darpan 35 Indicators
07 Basic Amenities 04 Livelihoods Anganwadi, Electricity, Road, Water Soil Health Card, Skill Development 04 Education 08 Social Security School attendance, MDM RSBY, PMJBY, APY 06 Health 02 Sanitation ICDS, Immunization, PHC IHHL, ODF Status 01 E-Governance 01 Food Security E- governance in panchayats Public Distribution System 01 Women Empowerment 01 Financial Inclusion Self Help Groups Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

11 Basic Profile Data in Panchayat Darpan
Educational Institutions Demographic date (Caste Composition) Primary/ Middle and Higher Secondary School Population (Male & Female and Sex Ratio) Other Infrastructure Literacy Status Gram Panchayat Office Age group wise Educational status PDS Shops Poverty Information (APL and BPL) Play Ground Land Holding among HHs (Irrigated and Non irrigated) Market Pindi/ Rural Haat Occupational distribution Bus Stop Health Service Infrastructure Railways Station No. of ICDS Centre Common Service Centre Distance from CHC Agro Service Centre/ KVK Distance from Veterinary Centre Post Office Bank/ Other Financial Institution

12 Quarterly Progress Indicators
1 % of children immunized (0-6 age group) 12 % of eligible persons covered under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana 2 % of Malnourished children (Grade-IV & Grade-III) in the village 13 % of eligible persons covered under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana 3 % of children (0-6 Age group) receiving ICDS services 14 % of eligible persons covered under Atal Pension Yojana 4 No. of village(s) with 100% institutional delivery in the GP 15 % of eligible persons covered under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 5 % of days Mid Day Meal (MDM) is served in schools 16 % of eligible households covered under RSBY 6 % of women brought into SHG fold 17 % of eligible persons receiving Widow Pension 7 % of eligible families provided IHHL 18 % of eligible persons receiving old age pension 8 % of HHs provided with safe and secure Housing facility# 19 % of eligible persons receiving disability pension 9 % of HHs provided with piped drinking water supply 20 % of eligible Households provided food grains under PDS 10 % of internal village road (Paved with Concrete ) constructed 21 % of eligible persons enrolled under AADHAR 11 % of Households covered under Electrification 22 % of farmers issued soil health cards

13 Half yearly and Annual Progress Indicators
Indicators (Half yearly) 23 % of youth (15-35 Years) provided skill training for self employment and placement 24 % of Households facilitated for Livelihood development (Out of the identified HHs) 25 % of Area brought under Irrigation 26 No. of Village(s) which have achieved ODF status 27 % of Anganwadi Centres functioning in its own building 28 Extension of Broadband connectivity to the panchayat (Yes/ No) 29 E-Panchayat service available at GP office Indicators (Yearly) 30 % of children (6-14 Years) attending Primary School 31 % of children (15-18 Years) attending High School 32 % of girl child (15-18 years) attending high school 33 No. of Health Sub Centres 34 No. of Primary Health Centre (PHC) 35 Whether villages have playground facility (Yes/No)

14 Monitoring Check List Name of MP Name of GP State District S.No
Remarks 1 Formation of District Level Committee (DLC) 2 Number of DLC Meetings held 3 Formation of State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) 4 Number of SLEC Meetings held 5 Village Development Plan (VDP) preparation status 6 Approval of VDP (In consultation with MP) 7 Progress of Works identified in the VDP Road Connectivity:- Drinking Water:- Education:- Power:- Others:- 8 Upload of Panchayat Darpan data on website



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