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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Extending central INSPIRE registers & connecting national registers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Extending central INSPIRE registers & connecting national registers to the central INSPIRE registry Break-out groups Ispra, 21 January 2014

2 Architecture & governance Should the central INSPIRE register imported/harvested/linked by national registers? Should national registers be imported/harvested/ linked by the central INSPIRE register? (“known extensions”) What should searches in the central INSPIRE register return? Who can register extensions with the central INSPIRE registry? How (do extensions need to be approved)?

3 Exchange formats & APIs How to exchange data between the central and national INSPIRE registries? Is there a need to APIs? If so, which operations are needed? What should be the exchange format (SKOS/RDF, ISO 19135 XML, others?) Is there a need for register metadata?

4 Conceptual model for extensions How to represent extensions to another register? Use the same or a different data model than for “normal” registers? What type of extensions should be supported  Additional items  Code lists –narrower terms –additional values at any level –additional child code lists  Additional translations  Additional attributes  Others? Identifiers for core and extensions

5 Questions?

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