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Introduction  Civil Engineering Materials -Concrete, Steel, Pavement  Construction Materials Timber, Glass, Aluminum, Paint, Plastic, Masonry, Ceramic.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction  Civil Engineering Materials -Concrete, Steel, Pavement  Construction Materials Timber, Glass, Aluminum, Paint, Plastic, Masonry, Ceramic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction  Civil Engineering Materials -Concrete, Steel, Pavement  Construction Materials Timber, Glass, Aluminum, Paint, Plastic, Masonry, Ceramic

2 Introduction  Why do we need to know the behavior of Concrete than steel or other materials? Concrete is inhomogeneous material so we need to understand its: Ingredients, mixing, transporting, placing, etc.  Why do we combine concrete with steel? Concrete is weak in tension and strong in compression while steel is strong in tension and weak in compression.

3 Introduction  Good concrete is concrete which meets the requirements. Requirements are: compressive strength, density, impermeability, durability, resistance to abrasion, resistance to impact, tensile strength, resistance to sulphates & others.

4 Introduction What is Concrete -Cement - Aggregate: fine and coarse -Water -Admixtures

5 Introduction Concrete consists of two phases : 1)Hydrated cement paste 2) Aggregate -The properties of concrete is governed by these two phases. -Aggregates are less porous to chemical attack than cement paste.

6 Introduction Good concrete and bad concrete have the same ingredients: cement, water, aggregates & admixtures. Bad concrete: - non-homogeneous - honeycomb - weak mass Good concrete: high compressive strength, dense, impermeable, durable, resistance to abrasion, resistance to impact, resistance to chemical attack.



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