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Ways of the World: A Brief Global History First Edition CHAPTER 14 Empires and Encounters 1450–1750 Copyright © 2009 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Robert W.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways of the World: A Brief Global History First Edition CHAPTER 14 Empires and Encounters 1450–1750 Copyright © 2009 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Robert W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways of the World: A Brief Global History First Edition CHAPTER 14 Empires and Encounters 1450–1750 Copyright © 2009 by Bedford/St. Martin’s Robert W. Strayer

2 European Empires in the Americas The European Advantage The Great Dying The Columbian Exchange

3 Comparing Colonial Societies in the Americas In the Lands of the Aztecs and the Incas Colonies of Sugar Settler Colonies in North America

4 The Steppes and Siberia: The Making of a Russian Empire Experiencing the Russian Empire Russians and Empire

5 Asian Empires Making China an Empire Muslims and Hindus in the Mughal Empire Muslims, Christians, and the Ottoman Empire

6 Chapter 14 Empires and Encounters, 1450–1750 Map 14.1 European Colonial Empires in the Americas (p. 405) Map 14.2 The Russian Empire (p. 418) Map 14.3 The Ottoman Empire (p. 426) Spot Map 14.1 China’s Qing Dynasty Empire (p. 422) Spot Map 14.2 The Mughal Empire (p. 424) The Mughal Empire (p. 402) Plants and Animals of the Columbian Exchange (p. 408) Mestizos (p. 411) Plantation Life in the Caribbean (p. 413) A Cossack Jail (p. 419) The Ottoman Seige of Vienna, 1683 (p. 428)












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