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India’s Road to Independence India’s History until World War I s.

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1 India’s Road to Independence India’s History until World War I s

2 What do we know about India?

3 Outsiders Rule India Mughal Dynasty ruled from 1526-1712 –Islamic Empire British East India Company 1757-1858 British Rule from 1858-1947 –1948 India Gains Independence Taj Mahal 1646 built by Mughal Dynasty

4 East India Company What: Private English company which Established trading post in India –Queen gave company its charter Maintained its own army –Led by British officers –Sepoys (Indian soldiers) staffed the army

5 “The loss of India would be final and fatal to us. It would reduce us to the scale of a minor power” Winston Churchill 1931 British Empire Britain considered India the most valuable of all British colonies “ Jewel in the Crown”

6 Why Britain Wanted India Provided large market for British Goods –300 Million people (1890) Supplied valuable raw materials –Tea, coffee, cotton and opium Raw materialsFinished Goods India England

7 India’s Religious Tension Strong tension between Muslims and Hindus Muslims –Outnumbered by Hindus –25% of population (100 million 1940 ) Hindus –majority of Indians (300 Million 1940) –75% of Population

8 Sepoy Rebellion 1857 Hindu and Muslim soldiers rebel against British Reading: Mutiny of 1857

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