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Western Colorado vs. Eastern Colorado Where does your water go? Constance L. Danner 29 November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Colorado vs. Eastern Colorado Where does your water go? Constance L. Danner 29 November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Colorado vs. Eastern Colorado Where does your water go? Constance L. Danner 29 November 2005

2 Outline Objectives Background Data Sources Map Creation Analysis Future Work Questions

3 Objectives Become familiar with Arc Hydro by plotting the Colorado Headwaters and Big Thompson Watersheds. Evaluate the precipitation, stream flow and snow depth in regards to the Continental Divide.

4 The West vs. The East South Platte River Basin Colorado River Basin

5 How are they connected? Map of Colorado-Big Thompson Project

6 Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project by the Numbers 30 The number of cities and towns served by the C-BT Project 693,000 The number of acres irrigated by C-BT water in northeastern Colorado 12 The number of reservoirs in the system 35 The miles of tunnels in the system 95 The miles of canals in the C-BT system 700The miles of transmission lines 310,000 The number of acre foot units of water in the C-BT Project 213,000 The approximate number of acre feet delivered annually through the system 1.6 millionThe number of acres in the Project's service area 1The number of acre feet of water that an average urban family of five requires annually 13.1 The length in miles of the Alva B. Adams Tunnel 9.9The circumference in feet of the tunnel 12The number of people appointed to serve on the NCWCD Board of Directors $1.50The original cost, per acre-foot unit, for C-BT water when applications were first accepted in 1937-38 $1,254.30The amount paid in 1943 to have a movie, "Green Fields," made about C-BT construction 1/16th of an inchThe difference between the center line from the west and the one from the east when the Adams Tunnel was holed through

7 Data Sources Hydrologic Unit Maps (HUC) – National Atlas of the United States – DEM Data from EPA Water Science Websites – 90006/ 90006/ – 10001/ 10001/ National Resources Conservation Services for Colorado – NNDC Climate Data Online –

8 Area of Interest


10 DEM Processing




14 What Time Frame to Choose? Missouri Basin Drought Data Upper Colorado Drought Data


16 Average Annual Stream Flow

17 Average Annual SNOTEL Data

18 Average Annual Precipitation Data

19 Precipitation vs. Elevation

20 Future Work Final Paper and Analysis


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