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Full-Time Faculty and Staff Benefits Overview 7/1/2015.

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1 Full-Time Faculty and Staff Benefits Overview 7/1/2015

2 North Arkansas College Employee Benefits 1.Health Insurance Plan 2.Prescription Drug Plan 3.Dental Plan 4.Vision Plan 5.Flexible Spending Program 6.Life Insurance 7.Long Term Disability 8.Retirement 9.Tuition Waiver 10.Paid Time Off 11.Other benefits

3 Health Insurance Plan I.General Information and Plan Features Northark is self-insured, and belongs to a consortium of Arkansas colleges that pool resources to buy insurance as a group (AHEC) Qualchoice is our insurance company that processes medical claims Northark offers two plans to choose from: 1.The Base Plan - most economical for routine health care for most families (lower monthly premiums, higher deductible) 2.The Buy-Up plan - may be more economical for those individuals or families that experience major health issues (higher monthly premiums, lower deductible) Online access for claims and plan information, go to

4 Health Insurance Plan II. General Plan Comparison Summary 1) Base Plan2) Buy-Up Plan Annual Deductible Per individual$1,500$750 Per Family Unit$3,000$1,500 Out of Pocket Max/Year Per individual$5,500$3,250 Per Family Unit$11,000$6,500 Co-Pays: Primary Care Physician$25 Specialist$50 Emergency Room$100 + 20% Lifetime CapN/A Preventive Well-Care services100%, no deductible Prescription Drug BenefitExpress Scripts Biweekly Premium Employee Only $27.42$58.34 Biweekly Premium Employee + Children $113.12$148.25 Biweekly Premium Employee + Spouse $137.08$180.99 Biweekly Premium Family $188.45$251.19

5 Health Insurance Plan, continued III. Eligibility for Coverage New employees are eligible for coverage: during new hire process, coverage begins first of month following employment date during annual open enrollment in November of each year, coverage begins January 1 within 30 days of a qualifying event such as: Loss of other benefits, coverage begins on date of benefit loss Loss of spouse’s job with benefits, coverage begins on date of benefit loss Employees may enroll themselves and legal dependents Dependents may be added or deleted during the year within 30 days of a qualifying event such as: Birth or adoption of a new baby Divorce or marriage New legal dependent Overage dependent, or dependent no longer needing coverage Four levels of coverage offered: Employee only, Employee + Children, Employee + Spouse, or Employee + Family

6 Health Insurance Plan, continued IV. Preferred Provider Network You must use an in-network provider to receive the largest discount on services and make the most of your health benefit (including clinics and hospitals) Using an in-network provider will save you and the college money You are responsible to make sure the provider you are using is in-network prior to services If your favorite provider is not listed in the network, contact Qualchoice and request that the provider be added to the network. Qualchoice will then contact the provider to try to get the provider to become part of their network. Use the website at, or call 855-450-7825 for

7 Open Enrollment Each year during the month of November, North Arkansas College conducts an Open Enrollment period for all benefits. During this time, employees may elect to make changes to their existing benefits coverage. For Example, if someone has “employee only” coverage and wishes to change to “family coverage”, they may make this change during the month of November. These Open Enrollment benefit changes will take effect on January 1 st. The College may announce additional Open Enrollment opportunities during the year in addition to the regularly scheduled month of November Open Enrollment. These opportunities will be announce via email from Human Resources. During the course of the year, employees may make changes to their benefits due to “qualifying events”. Qualifying events may occur due to change in marital status, the birth or adoption of a child, a change in the spouse’s job, etc. If you have a qualifying event and would like to make a change to your benefit plan, please contact the Human Resources Office: (870) 391-3353 or email Linda Davis at

8 Prescription Plan - Express Scripts Included in price of medical benefit plan Must use Express Script network providers – in Harrison this includes: Sullivan Pharmacy, Walgreens, Walmart, Sam Alexander are currently in-network. No deductible Generic prescription - 100% after $15 co-payment Preferred Brand prescription - 100% after $45 co-payment Non-Preferred Brand prescription - 100% after $60 co-payment Specialty Pharmaceutical Drugs - 100% after $200.00 co-payment Mail Order Prescription Drug Program is required for maintenance drugs, designed to save you money – 3 month supply for a 2 month co-payment Diabetic supplies are covered at 100%

9 Dental Northark’s dental insurance carrier is Delta Dental. Coverage is available for employees and their family. Twice a year checkups and cleanings are covered at 100%, no deductible. The plan has a $50 deductible for other services. Basic dental procedures are covered at 80% Major dental procedures are covered at 50% Orthodontics are covered for dependents at 50% with a lifetime maximum of $1,000 per person $1500 annual maximum payment per person per benefit year. Carryover rider of $375 per year if eligibility is met, for a total of $3,000 benefit maximum. Visit the website for more information.

10 Delta Dental Rates TiersAnnual20 Pays23 Pays26 Pays Employee:$32.16$1.61$1.40$1.24 Northark pays:$289.20 Employee/Spouse:$160.80$8.04$6.99$6.18 Northark pays:$482.16 Employee/Children:$235.56$11.78$10.24$9.06 Northark pays:$594.36 Employee/Family:$314.88$15.74$13.69$12.11 Northark pays:$713.28

11 Superior Vision Vision coverage is provided by Superior, available for employees and their dependents. It covers eye exams, lenses, frames and contacts every year with a $10 or $20 copay, depending on the services. Go to for a listing of providers. TiersAnnual20 Pays23 Pays26 Pays Employee:$93.12$4.66$4.05$3.58 Employee/Spouse:$186.36$9.32$8.10$7.17 Employee/Children:$199.32$9.97$8.67$7.67 Employee/Family:$318.60$15.93$13.85$12.25

12 American Fidelity Flexible Spending Program An IRS program, the Flexible Spending Program offers you an opportunity to pay for certain qualified benefits on a pre-tax basis. These expenses include:  Dental care  Eyeglasses  Out-of-pocket medical expenses, not covered by insurance  Daycare expenses Predict your calendar year healthcare and daycare expenses and payroll will deduct it from your check on a pre-tax basis saving you money on these expenses. Enrollment for this benefit is done on a yearly basis, in November. Elected yearly amounts (limited to $2,500 per year) are deducted from January through December. The elected amount for each year is put on a debit card at the beginning of the year, for ease of use. You may roll over unspent funds, a maximum of $500, into the following year.

13 Life Insurance Basic Life: Northark provides basic life insurance for each full-time employee at no cost. The basic life insurance provided at $20,000 for each employee, at no cost to the employee. Basic life insurance can be purchased for dependents for $2.40 per month, and covers each dependent at $20,000. Optional Life: Employee coverage: additional coverage may be purchased, in $5,000 increments up to $300,000. ($200,000 guaranteed issue.) Additional life insurance for spouse is also available with coverage of up to $100,000 (up to ½ of coverage purchased for employee), in $5,000 increments. ($20,000 guaranteed issue.) Rates are based on current age of employee. Additional coverage of $10,000 is available for dependent children.

14 Long-Term Disability Insurance Northark provides long-term disability coverage for full-time employees at no cost to the employee. This coverage provides income protection should an employee not be able to work due to serious illness or injury. This policy pays up to 60% of base salary starting 90 days after disability to age 65 or recovery. New employees are automatically enrolled in this program when enrolling in life insurance.

15 Retirement North Arkansas College offers two types of retirement plans; the defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan. 1. The defined benefit plan offers two choices: Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System (APERS) Employees contribute 5% of their salary each pay period, and Northark contributes 14.44%. Arkansas Teachers Retirement System (ARTRS) (Only prior vested ARTRS members can elect this plan) Employees contribute 6% of their salary each pay period, and Northark contributes 15%. 2. The defined contribution plan is a 403(b) retirement plan Offers a choice of 3 companies; Ameriprise, TIAA/CREF, or VALIC Employees contribute 6% of their salary each pay period, and Northark contributes 10%.

16 Tuition Waiver All full-time Northark employees, as well as their spouse and legal dependents are eligible for tuition waiver 6 months after hire. Each family is eligible for up to 18 credit hours each semester under the tuition waiver program. The employee, spouse, or dependent pays only $10.00 per credit hour, plus any course fees and books. Part-time employees, spouse, and legal dependents are allowed one credited class per semester at the tuition waiver rate, and are eligible six months after they are hired.

17 Vacation Full-time, non-faculty employees receive: 8 hrs/month 1-3 years of employment 10 hrs/month 3-5 years of employment 12 hrs/month 6-12 years of employment 14 hrs/month 13-20 years of employment 15 hrs/month over 20 years of employment The maximum number of days that can be carried over on December 31 is 30 days. Vacation time can exceed 30 days (240 hours) during the year but on December 31 an accrued vacation in excess of 30 days will be removed from the leave bank. Full-time faculty employees do not accrue vacation but are allowed 2 non- accumulative, personal days per full-time contract period for any necessary leave time that is not covered by other (such as sick or bereavement) leave provisions.

18 Sick Leave All full-time employees accrue 8 hours per month of sick leave. The maximum number of days accrued on December 31 is 120 days(960 hours). Any extra accrued over the 960 hours well be deducted from sick leave accrual. In order to qualify under the above provisions, sickness must be such as to confine the employee to his or her home, or such absence is due to the serious illness of employee’s spouse, father, mother, child, brother, sister, father or mother of spouse, or foster child. Sick leave may also be used for medical, dental or optical appointments.

19 Paid Holidays Northark observes the following paid holidays. Six of the holidays are used during the 10-day Christmas break, and are indicated with an **. (Holiday pay does not affect faculty.) 1.New Years Day ** 2.Martin Luther King Day 3.President’s Day ** 4.Memorial Day 5.Independence Day 6.Labor Day 7.Thanksgiving Day 8.Veterans Day ** 9.Christmas Eve ** 10.Christmas Day ** 11.Birthday **

20 Additional Benefits 1.As a state employee, you are eligible to belong to the Arkansas Federal Credit Union. For more information, go to 2.Air Evac Lifeteam – you are eligible for a $10 per year discount on this service. For more information, go to 3.Numerous local businesses offer discounts to Northark employees and students. You will receive a wallet card with the participating businesses during your new-hire orientation.

21 Additional Information For additional information on Northark’s benefit plans, follow this link: Additional information from the link includes: Benefit Summary and Insurance Rates Medical Summary Plan Description P750 Buy-Up Plan Summary P1500 Buy-Up Plan Summary Health Enrollment Form and Designation of Personal Representative Delta Dental Plan Information and Enrollment Form Vision Plan Information and Enrollment Form Life Insurance Plan Information and Enrollment Form Air Evac Enrollment and Payroll Deduction Form Website of Benefit Vendors

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